Karla Solano
We live in a society reigned by superficial gratification; and it seems as though we have become so obsessed with the idea of eternal youth and with the supermodel syndrome that we have lost the perception of what beauty really is. Unfortunately, this obsession with our physical appearance is constantly being fueled by magazines, the media and our everyday environment.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to maintain a younger look; therefore, taking care of our bodies through daily exercise, eating healthy foods and keeping a balanced state of mind is key to a healthy living. However, we have become so entangled in the fierce less competition about who can have the most plastic surgeries; that we have a distorted point of view when it comes down to our idea of what beauty actually is.
The perfection we seek in our outside reality will never be able to give us the long term satisfaction we long for because anything that comes from our exterior world will always be a momentary thing and it will eventually deteriorate.
Accepting and loving ourselves shouldn’t be this difficult and becoming dependent on a doctor to alter the way we look is not normal and it goes against the laws of nature. I know this is a sensitive topic and most people would not want to hear it; but I must say that perfection, beauty and eternal youth already exist within our being. When you allow your inner beauty, and happiness to radiate through you, there is no limit as to how young, radiant and beautiful you can look.
It is a proven fact; our external appearance is a window that can reveal how we feel deep inside. If your life has become dull, empty and sad, you will send signals of imperfection and unattractiveness. On the other hand, if you lead a happy, loving life you will radiate beautiful energy and no matter what your physical body type is, people will find you beautiful and will want to have you in their lives.
The truth is that we are eternal beings and as such, we contain within us the key to eternal youth, perfect beauty and the healing power to restore our own health. This is a privilege we have inherited from our divine creator; but unless we start connecting with that inner, divine essence, we will never be able to access all of these amazing gifts
Searching within is the only way to unlock these truths; through meditation and self discovery we will not only be able to find the truth about our existence but also we will be able to unveil the beauty and perfection we have forgotten about in the depths of our soul.
Tips on how to unlock the key:
1) Allow the beauty within to radiate through you, instead of focusing on the external and perishable appearance
2) Be kind, loving and compassionate towards others
3) Lead a harmonious life and always see the positive side to every experience
4) Do not take yourself or life so seriously, find the time to laugh. I cannot emphasize it enough. Laughter is what keeps our soul alive, and our bodies healthy and young. So don’t’ ever stop finding a reason to laugh
5) Create an emotionally balanced environment for yourself
6) Be good to your body since it is a sacred temple which carries the soul
7) Make a conscious effort to feed your body properly, without filling it up with toxins
8) Live with awareness by taking time to notice how perfect and beautiful you are deep down inside, even if your looks are not measuring up to society’s distorted standards of perfection
9) Stop judging yourself and others.
Friday, May 22, 2009
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