Karla Solano
Forgiveness is the process in which we finally let go of hatred towards a person who has harmed us in any particular way. This process is very important to our well being because it allows us to remove all the negativity that binds us to others, therefore freeing us from the pain resentment can cause.
Life has a way of challenging our existence by presenting situations where we have to make a strong and conscious effort to forgive people who frequently disturb our way of life. Sometimes, it becomes overwhelming to deal with people who are very selfish and who have no regards for others; and it may seem as though the universe is playing tricks on us always putting us to the test. But the reality is that every experience we go through brings an amazing potential for us to learn about ourselves and to grow as human beings.
It is important to realize that in order for us to lead a happy life; we need to forgive not only ourselves but also the people around us. The act of forgiving, releases our body from negative energies held inside of our being, clearing us from emotional blockages and allowing our soul to be free.
The world’s chaos is a manifestation of our inability to love and forgive one another, therefore creating separatism amongst the human race. Peace and change will only take place once we learn to have compassion for others, accept everyone as they are and when we start to forgive one another no matter how much pain people may have caused.
We are all part of a vast universe in which the interconnection between each other is beyond our comprehension and as long as we keep finding ways to alienate ourselves from one another, we will continue to create disorder and war. So let’s unite in love and forgiveness to heal this world once and for all.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Embracing Nature
Karla Solano
Taking a moment out of our busy schedules to set our minds at ease is of extreme importance for the development of our soul. One of the best ways to do so is by connecting with nature. Take a look around you and embrace all that is contained in your environment and discover how Mother Nature’s beauty surrounds your world filling it with joy, purity and beauty.
Close your eyes and listen to the sound of the wind as it caresses the leaves of the trees, making a heavenly sound of tranquility and freedom. Feel the warmth of the sun as it kisses your skin filling it with radiance, energy and life.
Listen to the choir of birds singing the most amzing symphony as they enjoy the sun rising every morning. Observe the synchronized dance in the sky as the birds move across the clouds, displaying a perfect choreographed performance. Get lost in the sky as the stars shining bright envelop your existence. Allow the light of the moon to shine upon your soul and show you the way into the magnificence of your inner beauty.
We are one with nature and everything we explore in nature is contained within us; therefore, the beauty you see in your external environment is already hidden in the deepest universe of your own soul. Explore nature and live consciously, making an effort to maintain its beauty intact. Take care of our beautiful planet, do not fill it with garbage and be conscious of how you stop the carbon foot print being left behind for the next generations to come.
Everything we do has an effect on our earth, no matter how insignificant you think it is it makes a big difference. Pay attention to your behavior towards our planet and be careful not to fall in the habit of living carelessly without regards for the environment, taking steps such as recycling, taking public transportation and saving water and energy are just a few things you can do to aid in making an effort to control all the damage we have already caused.
So next time you feel the need to dump that cigarette bud on the street as you finish smoking, or throwing the empty gum wrapper on the floor, Stop and think about all the damage you are causing to our beautiful planet.
Our existence on earth depends on how we treat it and no matter how much we try to overlook it; we are connected to it in infinite ways, and by destroying our planet we are hindering our own existence. It is true that our generation may not be able to see the magnitude of all the damage we have created but let’s make an effort to change the way we treat our earth so that the next generations to come can have a place to live in.
Below are a few links that can give you guidelines as to how to improve our way of life so that we can stop the carbon foot print we are leaving behind
Karla Solano
Taking a moment out of our busy schedules to set our minds at ease is of extreme importance for the development of our soul. One of the best ways to do so is by connecting with nature. Take a look around you and embrace all that is contained in your environment and discover how Mother Nature’s beauty surrounds your world filling it with joy, purity and beauty.
Close your eyes and listen to the sound of the wind as it caresses the leaves of the trees, making a heavenly sound of tranquility and freedom. Feel the warmth of the sun as it kisses your skin filling it with radiance, energy and life.
Listen to the choir of birds singing the most amzing symphony as they enjoy the sun rising every morning. Observe the synchronized dance in the sky as the birds move across the clouds, displaying a perfect choreographed performance. Get lost in the sky as the stars shining bright envelop your existence. Allow the light of the moon to shine upon your soul and show you the way into the magnificence of your inner beauty.
We are one with nature and everything we explore in nature is contained within us; therefore, the beauty you see in your external environment is already hidden in the deepest universe of your own soul. Explore nature and live consciously, making an effort to maintain its beauty intact. Take care of our beautiful planet, do not fill it with garbage and be conscious of how you stop the carbon foot print being left behind for the next generations to come.
Everything we do has an effect on our earth, no matter how insignificant you think it is it makes a big difference. Pay attention to your behavior towards our planet and be careful not to fall in the habit of living carelessly without regards for the environment, taking steps such as recycling, taking public transportation and saving water and energy are just a few things you can do to aid in making an effort to control all the damage we have already caused.
So next time you feel the need to dump that cigarette bud on the street as you finish smoking, or throwing the empty gum wrapper on the floor, Stop and think about all the damage you are causing to our beautiful planet.
Our existence on earth depends on how we treat it and no matter how much we try to overlook it; we are connected to it in infinite ways, and by destroying our planet we are hindering our own existence. It is true that our generation may not be able to see the magnitude of all the damage we have created but let’s make an effort to change the way we treat our earth so that the next generations to come can have a place to live in.
Below are a few links that can give you guidelines as to how to improve our way of life so that we can stop the carbon foot print we are leaving behind
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Emotional Barrier
Karla Solano
There are many times in our lives when the personal experiences we go through, affect us in a way where our approach towards life and people changes, causing us to close ourselves up and put an emotional barrier between us and the people in our lives. This approach is unfortunate because we tend to stereotype everyone simply because we had a negative experience, but the truth of the matter is that we are all unique individuals and as such we all carry specific traits that make us different from one another.
We create this “barrier” because we feel that it will protect us from getting hurt again but the reality is that this wall is only obstructing our own lives; thus creating emotional unbalance. This emotional blockage tends to alter our behavior causing us to do things that are not part of our true nature, because somehow we convince ourselves that if we change the way we are we can obtain happiness and never experience the pain we did in the past. So we begin a journey where we live for the moment, our take on life becomes superficial and the bonding and committing to anyone on an emotional level becomes non-existent.
We in a way become cold, afraid to show any sign of emotion that can make us vulnerable. We allow people in and out of our lives without really giving them a chance to show us that they are not like the stereotype we have created in our minds. Therefore, it is very easy to retract and just walk away from circumstances and people without regards for their feelings towards us.
This emotional barrier that we work so hard to put up is not really protecting us; it is only isolating us from the world. While it can give us a false sense of control and detachment, it is simply stopping us from really expressing our true feelings because as soon as we get too close to others we run away. If you really analyze this behavior, we are really not running away from anyone else except ourselves. Running away only helps to get rid off the people who care for us and at the end of the day we still have to deal with our own internal roller coaster of emotions that we keep sweeping under a rug.
A life lived in fear of being too vulnerable hinders our personal growth & emotional well being. Fear not only impairs our judgment but it also creates a void in our hearts which can make us feel lonely and depressed at times when we least expect it. No matter how hard we try not to get attached to others, we are bound to feel a strong connection with specific individuals who can touch our hearts in a special way, and it wouldn’t be fair to pass up on the opportunity to experience a wonderful relationship just because we are afraid.
It is important to confront our fears and allow the heart to open up and express its true emotions, because not all of our everyday experiences are bound to be negative. There are good apples as well as bad ones but it is up to us to discern the truth that each lesson brings into our lives and be willing to accept the growing pains they may cause. So unlock your heart and release the need to obstruct the path that leads to unifying yourself with others in a higher level of existence. Allow love and forgiveness to enter into your life to free you from all the resentment and fears caused by past experiences.
Karla Solano
There are many times in our lives when the personal experiences we go through, affect us in a way where our approach towards life and people changes, causing us to close ourselves up and put an emotional barrier between us and the people in our lives. This approach is unfortunate because we tend to stereotype everyone simply because we had a negative experience, but the truth of the matter is that we are all unique individuals and as such we all carry specific traits that make us different from one another.
We create this “barrier” because we feel that it will protect us from getting hurt again but the reality is that this wall is only obstructing our own lives; thus creating emotional unbalance. This emotional blockage tends to alter our behavior causing us to do things that are not part of our true nature, because somehow we convince ourselves that if we change the way we are we can obtain happiness and never experience the pain we did in the past. So we begin a journey where we live for the moment, our take on life becomes superficial and the bonding and committing to anyone on an emotional level becomes non-existent.
We in a way become cold, afraid to show any sign of emotion that can make us vulnerable. We allow people in and out of our lives without really giving them a chance to show us that they are not like the stereotype we have created in our minds. Therefore, it is very easy to retract and just walk away from circumstances and people without regards for their feelings towards us.
This emotional barrier that we work so hard to put up is not really protecting us; it is only isolating us from the world. While it can give us a false sense of control and detachment, it is simply stopping us from really expressing our true feelings because as soon as we get too close to others we run away. If you really analyze this behavior, we are really not running away from anyone else except ourselves. Running away only helps to get rid off the people who care for us and at the end of the day we still have to deal with our own internal roller coaster of emotions that we keep sweeping under a rug.
A life lived in fear of being too vulnerable hinders our personal growth & emotional well being. Fear not only impairs our judgment but it also creates a void in our hearts which can make us feel lonely and depressed at times when we least expect it. No matter how hard we try not to get attached to others, we are bound to feel a strong connection with specific individuals who can touch our hearts in a special way, and it wouldn’t be fair to pass up on the opportunity to experience a wonderful relationship just because we are afraid.
It is important to confront our fears and allow the heart to open up and express its true emotions, because not all of our everyday experiences are bound to be negative. There are good apples as well as bad ones but it is up to us to discern the truth that each lesson brings into our lives and be willing to accept the growing pains they may cause. So unlock your heart and release the need to obstruct the path that leads to unifying yourself with others in a higher level of existence. Allow love and forgiveness to enter into your life to free you from all the resentment and fears caused by past experiences.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Mindful Existence
Karla Solano
We live in a society where people are so self absorbed by their own selfish way of living that often times they don’t realize that their actions are just a reflection of how lonely and empty their souls have become.
I find it hard to grasp the concept of using others as a way of personal entertainment and self satisfaction without taking into consideration the feelings of the people involved. How insensitive can people be? Have we lost complete touch of each other’s emotions that we just don’t care if our actions are affecting the people we interact with? Are we so out of touch with our true loving nature that we think it’s appropriate to treat others as though they have no hearts that can easily be broken? I just don’t get it. When did human race become so heartless?
Living life with total disregard for people’s emotions is just wrong and whether we want to accept it or not, this way of living eventually will catch up to us, causing us to one day look back at our lives and realize that all we have left behind is nothing more than the broken pieces of our own soul.
Everything we do to others comes back to us 10 times more intense than the original way in which we did it; so do we really want to live a life where the main purpose is our personal gratification, disrespecting others and breaking hearts, while pretending as though everything we do is ok as long as we are not the ones getting hurt? Think about it and really analyze the way you approach life and others.
We are all one and we are connected in every possible way. There is not one thing that we can say or do without causing a wave of action and emotions. Understanding that every cause has its effect, can allow us to try to live in a more mindful way, being conscientious in making an effort to treat others with love, kindness and respect, giving others the treatment we would like to receive.
Our life on this planet is short lived, time passes by very quickly and when we least expect it the years have gone by leaving behind only the lessons learned, the good and bad deeds we did, the memories, and our own reflection in the mirror. The reflection which will make us confront ourselves with all the regrets and guilt for all the damage we caused to others throughout the years; leaving us feeling anguish to have lived an empty and meaningless existence, at a point in our lives where it could be too late to reverse the damage caused.
Be mindful about other people’s feelings and learn to treat others the way you would like to be treated; keep in mind that the universal law will make sure the Karma we cause is balanced some way somehow; there is a Divine order to all that exists and since every action has a reaction, the karma has no other way to go but to go back to the original source that created it. So next time you feel the need to live life as though you are the only one that matters, remember that we are all one and everything you do will come full circle back to face you someday.
Karla Solano
We live in a society where people are so self absorbed by their own selfish way of living that often times they don’t realize that their actions are just a reflection of how lonely and empty their souls have become.
I find it hard to grasp the concept of using others as a way of personal entertainment and self satisfaction without taking into consideration the feelings of the people involved. How insensitive can people be? Have we lost complete touch of each other’s emotions that we just don’t care if our actions are affecting the people we interact with? Are we so out of touch with our true loving nature that we think it’s appropriate to treat others as though they have no hearts that can easily be broken? I just don’t get it. When did human race become so heartless?
Living life with total disregard for people’s emotions is just wrong and whether we want to accept it or not, this way of living eventually will catch up to us, causing us to one day look back at our lives and realize that all we have left behind is nothing more than the broken pieces of our own soul.
Everything we do to others comes back to us 10 times more intense than the original way in which we did it; so do we really want to live a life where the main purpose is our personal gratification, disrespecting others and breaking hearts, while pretending as though everything we do is ok as long as we are not the ones getting hurt? Think about it and really analyze the way you approach life and others.
We are all one and we are connected in every possible way. There is not one thing that we can say or do without causing a wave of action and emotions. Understanding that every cause has its effect, can allow us to try to live in a more mindful way, being conscientious in making an effort to treat others with love, kindness and respect, giving others the treatment we would like to receive.
Our life on this planet is short lived, time passes by very quickly and when we least expect it the years have gone by leaving behind only the lessons learned, the good and bad deeds we did, the memories, and our own reflection in the mirror. The reflection which will make us confront ourselves with all the regrets and guilt for all the damage we caused to others throughout the years; leaving us feeling anguish to have lived an empty and meaningless existence, at a point in our lives where it could be too late to reverse the damage caused.
Be mindful about other people’s feelings and learn to treat others the way you would like to be treated; keep in mind that the universal law will make sure the Karma we cause is balanced some way somehow; there is a Divine order to all that exists and since every action has a reaction, the karma has no other way to go but to go back to the original source that created it. So next time you feel the need to live life as though you are the only one that matters, remember that we are all one and everything you do will come full circle back to face you someday.
Monday, June 15, 2009
What is Love?
Karla Solano
Love is an emotion that has the power to move mountains. This feeling can bring forth extreme happiness, peace and light into our lives. And it can also stop us short on our tracks when the feeling is not reciprocal.
Let’s study the truth behind this emotion. To begin with, there are many different kinds of love. There is the love a mother can give which is unconditional, selfless and forgiving; then there is the love we feel for our family members which is a strong bond that we develop from the moment we are able to interact with them; there is the love we feel for our close friends who are with us through our toughest times. And then, there is the love we feel for a significant other; the love that can make us feel as though we are walking on clouds, a love that can make us sing, cry and laugh with total ecstasy. A bond so strong that we feel paralyzed when we lose it.
Although all of these different kinds of love share the same essence of the feeling, all have different wavelengths of intensity and they affect our lives in different ways. For example, the love of a mother which is irreplaceable gives us security, kindness and warmth. The love of our siblings and family members can give us a sense of belonging, a feeling of sharing and togetherness. The love of our friends allows us to connect with others in a more intellectual and emotional level since the friends we choose usually share a common ground with us. And then we have the love we feel for the person we choose as our life companion; in this scenario the feeling of love becomes very complex causing us to become vulnerable because we get blinded by our emotions and most of the time lose ourselves in the relationships we are in.
Falling in love with another person is wonderful when the feeling is reciprocal; because when the connection we feel is strong, it can give us the unstoppable sense of triumph over any obstacles. Love is powerful this way, it can make us feel happy and elevated as though nothing can hurt us, and it can also turn our environment into a beautiful and peaceful place to be. On the contrary, when love fades away and it turns into hate, chaos and drama it can cause disease, depression and a sense of loss of the control we have over our existence.
It is important to maintain a balanced emotional state of mind and our individuality when we are in a relationship, so that when the love fades away or when the feeling we have for someone is not shared in the same way, our true essence stays intact. Thus, allowing us to live a happy and grounded life no matter what the circumstances are.
Loving ourselves unconditionally and allowing us to be the priority in any relationship is not only healthy but necessary in order to be able to truly love others. Without self love it is impossible to have a healthy relationship because we will only be able to give as much or as little as we give ourselves. This is why it is essential to be happy with who we are, be respectful to ourselves without judgment, and take care of ourselves first before attempting to be in a loving relationship with anyone else; doing otherwise, can obstruct our road to happiness and personal fulfillment leading us to cause our own demise.
So learn to love without boundaries but being cautious not to lose yourself in the shuffle, loving yourself first and making sure to keep your true essence intact and balanced so that love can be manifested at its maximum capacity.
Karla Solano
Love is an emotion that has the power to move mountains. This feeling can bring forth extreme happiness, peace and light into our lives. And it can also stop us short on our tracks when the feeling is not reciprocal.
Let’s study the truth behind this emotion. To begin with, there are many different kinds of love. There is the love a mother can give which is unconditional, selfless and forgiving; then there is the love we feel for our family members which is a strong bond that we develop from the moment we are able to interact with them; there is the love we feel for our close friends who are with us through our toughest times. And then, there is the love we feel for a significant other; the love that can make us feel as though we are walking on clouds, a love that can make us sing, cry and laugh with total ecstasy. A bond so strong that we feel paralyzed when we lose it.
Although all of these different kinds of love share the same essence of the feeling, all have different wavelengths of intensity and they affect our lives in different ways. For example, the love of a mother which is irreplaceable gives us security, kindness and warmth. The love of our siblings and family members can give us a sense of belonging, a feeling of sharing and togetherness. The love of our friends allows us to connect with others in a more intellectual and emotional level since the friends we choose usually share a common ground with us. And then we have the love we feel for the person we choose as our life companion; in this scenario the feeling of love becomes very complex causing us to become vulnerable because we get blinded by our emotions and most of the time lose ourselves in the relationships we are in.
Falling in love with another person is wonderful when the feeling is reciprocal; because when the connection we feel is strong, it can give us the unstoppable sense of triumph over any obstacles. Love is powerful this way, it can make us feel happy and elevated as though nothing can hurt us, and it can also turn our environment into a beautiful and peaceful place to be. On the contrary, when love fades away and it turns into hate, chaos and drama it can cause disease, depression and a sense of loss of the control we have over our existence.
It is important to maintain a balanced emotional state of mind and our individuality when we are in a relationship, so that when the love fades away or when the feeling we have for someone is not shared in the same way, our true essence stays intact. Thus, allowing us to live a happy and grounded life no matter what the circumstances are.
Loving ourselves unconditionally and allowing us to be the priority in any relationship is not only healthy but necessary in order to be able to truly love others. Without self love it is impossible to have a healthy relationship because we will only be able to give as much or as little as we give ourselves. This is why it is essential to be happy with who we are, be respectful to ourselves without judgment, and take care of ourselves first before attempting to be in a loving relationship with anyone else; doing otherwise, can obstruct our road to happiness and personal fulfillment leading us to cause our own demise.
So learn to love without boundaries but being cautious not to lose yourself in the shuffle, loving yourself first and making sure to keep your true essence intact and balanced so that love can be manifested at its maximum capacity.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Karla Solano
We live in a world where we as a human race are constantly chasing after materialistic dreams. Every step of our growing up has to do with competing and striving to be the best at everything we do, thus increasing our chances to be leaders and “making it” in our society. While there is nothing wrong with working hard and accomplishing our goals, it is important not to give too much value to our material possessions.
I know how great it is to get that promotion we worked so hard for, and getting that raise that enables us to buy our dream house and that car we always wanted; but focusing our attention on living just to acquire more and more material things can one day backfire leaving us empty and making us feel unsatisfied.
We need to be cautious of not to lose sight of what is real, such as cultivating meaningful friendships and relationships, living a humble life, appreciating everything we have, without being condescending towards others no matter what their social status may be, and keeping our integrity and honesty in a corrupt society. All of these attributes are detrimental to living a balanced life; doing otherwise, can make our existence on this planet very shallow and lonely.
I have found out through personal experience, that materialistic things are just that, matter occupying space that clutter our surroundings; after a while, we collect so much that we don’t even know how much we have. We keep buying things and forget about other precious items that we keep hidden in a closet accumulating dust. It becomes an obsession to buy things just to satisfy our ego, or to fill a void in our lives. Unfortunately, we use material things to give us the satisfaction a person or circumstances can’t.
Personal belongings can give us social status, and an instant gratification when we feel down, there is no doubt about that, but they will never replace the essential things that we as human kind need to survive; having the highest paying job can get us all the things we ever dreamt of but it will never buy us love and happiness.
Life can be very lonely if all we have is a huge, beautiful place to live in, with all the comfort and the most expensive things in it that you could ever imagine; but if all of the luxury in the world is contained within walls in a space where there is no one to love and to share it with, then all of the riches in the world can make us feel very poor at heart.
No matter how much money or luxury we have, it means nothing if we are alone. This is why it is important to focus on acquiring heavenly treasures instead of material possessions, because at the end of our existence all we take with us is the essence of our being, the good deeds we did while here on earth, the lessons we learned and how we changed ourselves and the world for the better.
Take time to be grateful for what you have and meditate on how you have lived your life. Has it been a life full of material accomplishments but with many failures on the personal level? Has it been a life lived with integrity and respect for others? Have you loved people for who they are or for what they represent in a dollar amount? Have you stopped and enjoyed the simplest things in life? Or do you always have to have the most extravagant lavish lifestyle in order to be happy? Do you measure your success by how much you have instead of by how much you give back to the community? Do you really feel like money can solve all your problems and give you the happiness you need?
Asking ourselves questions like these can help us analyze our lives and figure out if we are becoming too attached to our belongings. It can help us ground ourselves and realize that there is more to life than just what is tangible. Life is full of wealth, and by this I am referring to the wealth found in the simplest forms surrounding our everyday existence; Such as wealth of wisdom, wealth of love, wealth of beauty, wealth of happiness.
All of this wealth is at our reach, when we decide to find it within our hearts, within our true pure essence. Until we decide to become one with our Divine being, we will always long for this empty and shallow wealth that our material world has to offer; thus, causing us to live a life full of external satisfaction but an incomplete and lonely existence.
Life is an amazing journey so start seeking for the valuable heavenly treasures; the treasures that help the soul flourish into a transformed butterfly full of abundance and beauty. Use your talents and gifts to give back to the world so that your life may be full of love, happiness, satisfaction and gratitude.
Learn to measure your success by the good deeds you have made and not by the salary you earn, and finally give love to everyone you encounter because with love in our lives, our existence is full of joy and motivation to become better people.
Karla Solano
We live in a world where we as a human race are constantly chasing after materialistic dreams. Every step of our growing up has to do with competing and striving to be the best at everything we do, thus increasing our chances to be leaders and “making it” in our society. While there is nothing wrong with working hard and accomplishing our goals, it is important not to give too much value to our material possessions.
I know how great it is to get that promotion we worked so hard for, and getting that raise that enables us to buy our dream house and that car we always wanted; but focusing our attention on living just to acquire more and more material things can one day backfire leaving us empty and making us feel unsatisfied.
We need to be cautious of not to lose sight of what is real, such as cultivating meaningful friendships and relationships, living a humble life, appreciating everything we have, without being condescending towards others no matter what their social status may be, and keeping our integrity and honesty in a corrupt society. All of these attributes are detrimental to living a balanced life; doing otherwise, can make our existence on this planet very shallow and lonely.
I have found out through personal experience, that materialistic things are just that, matter occupying space that clutter our surroundings; after a while, we collect so much that we don’t even know how much we have. We keep buying things and forget about other precious items that we keep hidden in a closet accumulating dust. It becomes an obsession to buy things just to satisfy our ego, or to fill a void in our lives. Unfortunately, we use material things to give us the satisfaction a person or circumstances can’t.
Personal belongings can give us social status, and an instant gratification when we feel down, there is no doubt about that, but they will never replace the essential things that we as human kind need to survive; having the highest paying job can get us all the things we ever dreamt of but it will never buy us love and happiness.
Life can be very lonely if all we have is a huge, beautiful place to live in, with all the comfort and the most expensive things in it that you could ever imagine; but if all of the luxury in the world is contained within walls in a space where there is no one to love and to share it with, then all of the riches in the world can make us feel very poor at heart.
No matter how much money or luxury we have, it means nothing if we are alone. This is why it is important to focus on acquiring heavenly treasures instead of material possessions, because at the end of our existence all we take with us is the essence of our being, the good deeds we did while here on earth, the lessons we learned and how we changed ourselves and the world for the better.
Take time to be grateful for what you have and meditate on how you have lived your life. Has it been a life full of material accomplishments but with many failures on the personal level? Has it been a life lived with integrity and respect for others? Have you loved people for who they are or for what they represent in a dollar amount? Have you stopped and enjoyed the simplest things in life? Or do you always have to have the most extravagant lavish lifestyle in order to be happy? Do you measure your success by how much you have instead of by how much you give back to the community? Do you really feel like money can solve all your problems and give you the happiness you need?
Asking ourselves questions like these can help us analyze our lives and figure out if we are becoming too attached to our belongings. It can help us ground ourselves and realize that there is more to life than just what is tangible. Life is full of wealth, and by this I am referring to the wealth found in the simplest forms surrounding our everyday existence; Such as wealth of wisdom, wealth of love, wealth of beauty, wealth of happiness.
All of this wealth is at our reach, when we decide to find it within our hearts, within our true pure essence. Until we decide to become one with our Divine being, we will always long for this empty and shallow wealth that our material world has to offer; thus, causing us to live a life full of external satisfaction but an incomplete and lonely existence.
Life is an amazing journey so start seeking for the valuable heavenly treasures; the treasures that help the soul flourish into a transformed butterfly full of abundance and beauty. Use your talents and gifts to give back to the world so that your life may be full of love, happiness, satisfaction and gratitude.
Learn to measure your success by the good deeds you have made and not by the salary you earn, and finally give love to everyone you encounter because with love in our lives, our existence is full of joy and motivation to become better people.
Monday, June 8, 2009
The Essence of our Being
Karla Solano
One of the biggest questions we might ask ourselves is who are we and why are we here? Well this is a question that for many centuries has provoked thought amongst the most recognized philosophers of all time.
Life as we know it was created from a Light source, a Divine source we call God.
We were created to his likeness. What this means is that just like we have traits from both of our physical parents such as the color of our eyes, our skin pigmentation, the texture of our hair as well as some of the personality traits; we too possess Divine traits that connect us to our Light source.
I know this might be hard to grasp for a lot of people because we are taught early on during our childhood to believe in a God that is separate from us, a Divine source that cannot be reached by our beliefs of being unworthy and beneath a Superior being. This whole concept of being separate from our Divine source has caused our world to be in a state of stagnant energy thus creating the appearance of disease, war, hate and starvation.
All of which are manifestations of the lack of love existing in our physical reality.
When we learn to recognize that we are just like our Divine source, we can find the hidden potential we have; and therefore unveil the truth that is within us to change not only our lives but the world around us.
What does it mean we are like our Divine source? This means that we are beings of light energy. We are pure by nature, with the potential to love unconditionally just like our Divine source; we are co-creators of life and we are infinite beings having a physical experience in a material world.
Understanding that we are infinite beings co-creating on a daily basis can help us realize that we have the same divine essence as our creator. You may ask yourself how we can be infinite beings if we are born and eventually experience death. Well, as infinite beings we are eternal. Our soul has been living lifetime after lifetime trying to find its purpose in life figuring out its way back to becoming whole again with its Divinity.
The soul is our essence an energy created by light. This essence has had many experiences in different bodies each time. And although the vessels (bodies) have been born and died over and over, the soul continues to exist taking all the information we gather in each lifetime, keeping all the spiritual treasures we have collected within our hearts.
This essence holds the key to answering all the questions about our infinite being; The records of our existence that can guide us to becoming one with our Light source and it is up to us to look within to find all the answers we seek.
Looking within is essential in finding our way back home to our Divine source. Our external experiences are a reflection of what we create in our minds; therefore we have the power to transform any situation into a positive or a negative one depending on how we choose to use our Divine energy. Meditation is a very effective way to connect with your inner divinity, quieting the mind for a few minutes each day can be of extreme importance in learning to recognize the inner wisdom we hold inside.
Connecting with our higher self during meditation is a process that can lead us to finding solutions to all of our physical experiences, thus, freeing us from all unnecessary circumstances, thoughts and people that can become obstacles in finding our true self. Once you meditate regularly you become more aware of your thoughts and you learn to observe instead of react to all the situations that come your way.
Observing and experiencing life with awareness becomes more of a natural way of living. All of a sudden you may start to notice that things which might have bothered you in the past become insignificant. You start to let go of anything that disturbs your well being and you begin to recognize the beauty and perfection that exists not only within yourself but all around you. Life as you knew it before is seen from a heightened perspective of love, pure joy and harmony.
This connection with life becomes the most primordial way of existing; the troubles dissipate without even having a chance to plant a seed of disharmony in your life because you start to allow your Divine essence to work through you, instead of allowing the ego to control your life. Allowing your Divine essence to guide you in everything you do will impact your life in such a way, that you will start to realize that you have not been living, you will see how dormant you have been through out your life and you will begin to become a co-creator with your Light source.
Co-creating is essential to our spiritual evolution, we have the power to have Divine thought and make it a reality in our physical world. How amazing is that? All you have to do is allow your Divine self to guide you in coming up with the most incredible idea and then you can start to design the plan of creation. The possibilities are endless once you enter this new way of seeing things from a higher self awareness. Life all of a sudden becomes easier to deal with because you are able to maintain a balanced emotional state allowing the Divine self to work through your vessel, thus manifesting perfection in everything you do.
Karla Solano
One of the biggest questions we might ask ourselves is who are we and why are we here? Well this is a question that for many centuries has provoked thought amongst the most recognized philosophers of all time.
Life as we know it was created from a Light source, a Divine source we call God.
We were created to his likeness. What this means is that just like we have traits from both of our physical parents such as the color of our eyes, our skin pigmentation, the texture of our hair as well as some of the personality traits; we too possess Divine traits that connect us to our Light source.
I know this might be hard to grasp for a lot of people because we are taught early on during our childhood to believe in a God that is separate from us, a Divine source that cannot be reached by our beliefs of being unworthy and beneath a Superior being. This whole concept of being separate from our Divine source has caused our world to be in a state of stagnant energy thus creating the appearance of disease, war, hate and starvation.
All of which are manifestations of the lack of love existing in our physical reality.
When we learn to recognize that we are just like our Divine source, we can find the hidden potential we have; and therefore unveil the truth that is within us to change not only our lives but the world around us.
What does it mean we are like our Divine source? This means that we are beings of light energy. We are pure by nature, with the potential to love unconditionally just like our Divine source; we are co-creators of life and we are infinite beings having a physical experience in a material world.
Understanding that we are infinite beings co-creating on a daily basis can help us realize that we have the same divine essence as our creator. You may ask yourself how we can be infinite beings if we are born and eventually experience death. Well, as infinite beings we are eternal. Our soul has been living lifetime after lifetime trying to find its purpose in life figuring out its way back to becoming whole again with its Divinity.
The soul is our essence an energy created by light. This essence has had many experiences in different bodies each time. And although the vessels (bodies) have been born and died over and over, the soul continues to exist taking all the information we gather in each lifetime, keeping all the spiritual treasures we have collected within our hearts.
This essence holds the key to answering all the questions about our infinite being; The records of our existence that can guide us to becoming one with our Light source and it is up to us to look within to find all the answers we seek.
Looking within is essential in finding our way back home to our Divine source. Our external experiences are a reflection of what we create in our minds; therefore we have the power to transform any situation into a positive or a negative one depending on how we choose to use our Divine energy. Meditation is a very effective way to connect with your inner divinity, quieting the mind for a few minutes each day can be of extreme importance in learning to recognize the inner wisdom we hold inside.
Connecting with our higher self during meditation is a process that can lead us to finding solutions to all of our physical experiences, thus, freeing us from all unnecessary circumstances, thoughts and people that can become obstacles in finding our true self. Once you meditate regularly you become more aware of your thoughts and you learn to observe instead of react to all the situations that come your way.
Observing and experiencing life with awareness becomes more of a natural way of living. All of a sudden you may start to notice that things which might have bothered you in the past become insignificant. You start to let go of anything that disturbs your well being and you begin to recognize the beauty and perfection that exists not only within yourself but all around you. Life as you knew it before is seen from a heightened perspective of love, pure joy and harmony.
This connection with life becomes the most primordial way of existing; the troubles dissipate without even having a chance to plant a seed of disharmony in your life because you start to allow your Divine essence to work through you, instead of allowing the ego to control your life. Allowing your Divine essence to guide you in everything you do will impact your life in such a way, that you will start to realize that you have not been living, you will see how dormant you have been through out your life and you will begin to become a co-creator with your Light source.
Co-creating is essential to our spiritual evolution, we have the power to have Divine thought and make it a reality in our physical world. How amazing is that? All you have to do is allow your Divine self to guide you in coming up with the most incredible idea and then you can start to design the plan of creation. The possibilities are endless once you enter this new way of seeing things from a higher self awareness. Life all of a sudden becomes easier to deal with because you are able to maintain a balanced emotional state allowing the Divine self to work through your vessel, thus manifesting perfection in everything you do.
Friday, June 5, 2009
The Light Within
Karla Solano
The light within is the divine spark our creator blessed us with at the moment we were conceived. This divine spark is like a candle flame shining brightly within our hearts, guiding us in manifesting perfection from the inside out. This light is our true connection to the Divine and when we decide to follow the wrong path, or when we allow others to overshadow our existence we can dim this fragile light very quickly; thus threatening to lose ourselves in the shuffle.
When our light within dims, our external appearance changes as well; we begin to look stressed out, sick, unhappy and lifeless. There is a reason why they say that our eyes are the window to our soul; our eyes are a reflection which mirrors our inner most secret emotions. No matter how much we try to hide how we feel, our eyes will always tell the truth that we carry within. When we lose touch with the Divine spark, our eyes lose the purity and radiance that connects us to our infinite essence.
Unfortunately, we live most of our lives unaware about this inner light and we are constantly allowing it to be overshadowed by our external circumstances. Looking back at my life 2 ½ yrs ago, I can remember how the stress of the job I had at that time consumed me, while my marriage was destroying and sucking the life out of me. I had nowhere to turn to for peace and quiet. Going to work had become a nerve wrecking odyssey and going home was a dreadful, chaotic and draining experience on its own.
All of this was happening at the same time, making me feel desperate, out of control, and I felt as though I was trapped without a way out. Those circumstances destroyed me emotionally, and physically. I started to have heart problems due to the high levels of stress; I remember looking at myself in the mirror being only 31yrs old and feeling as though I had aged 10 yrs. I couldn’t recognize myself anymore, I looked like and empty shell and I felt like a lost soul. The glow in my eyes was not there anymore; I had turned inward while dealing with all of this turmoil because I didn’t want anyone to know what was going on in my life and this was the worst thing I could have done, because keeping all the problems inside was causing me to dim my light to an almost non-existent spark.
My life was upside down for a long time until I finally began to turn to my Divine essence for help; I began to look within for the courage and the strength to make the right choices that would benefit my well being. I finally came to the realization that the main priority was to pick up all the pieces of my soul or what was left of it and take a stand for what I believed was right for me. I no longer accepted the chaos in my life, I decided to confront the people that were making my life a living hell both at work and in my personal life, and giving myself the respect I deserved I took a chance to turn my life around.
It wasn’t until I decided to connect with my Divine essence that I realized that life was not meant to be lived in chaos and unhappiness. I came to terms with the fact that I had the power to change the situations in my life that were no longer serving a positive purpose in my existence. This connection to the Divine gave me strength I never knew I had to follow through with choices I never thought I could make. Amazingly enough, as I started to gain this inner strength and courage so did the light within me begin to shine brighter and brighter. It felt as though a heavy weight was being lifted off my back one pound at a time; and as each pound was lifted a piece of my soul was being put back making me whole again.
It was amazing to see how my life started to change, not only was I being transformed from the inside but my whole external reality began to turn around. The situation at my job changed completely for me as I was transferred to a different division where the environment was much more peaceful and my new supervisor was a sweet and loving person with no drama; I decided to put a stop to the suffering my marriage was causing me and I decided to take a stand for myself and let go of my emotional attachment to someone who did not know how to appreciate me. Letting go of that relationship was one of the hardest decisions I ever made, but now that I look back, I realize that it was the best choice I could have made for my well being.
The connection with my divinity helped me find myself again because I did not know who I was for a long time. My internal light began to shine so bright that it was showing the transformation in a very dramatic way to the point where people started to notice and would comment on how young, radiant and beautiful I looked, my environment also was transformed to a very peaceful and joyful living. I did not dread coming home anymore and I could actually breathe without my heart being broken. Peace and light became a strong presence in my existence; thus, helping me to remember to always keep that inner light switch ON.
You see, life is full of challenges and it is up to us to keep connected to our Divine essence so that we don’t ever lose ourselves to the people and circumstances that come our way. It is imperative to always be aware and keep our essence intact no matter how draining the circumstances become, because at the end of the day when all the chaos in our lives dissipates, we still are responsible for our own well being and we are the only ones that can and will pick up the pieces of our soul.
Karla Solano
The light within is the divine spark our creator blessed us with at the moment we were conceived. This divine spark is like a candle flame shining brightly within our hearts, guiding us in manifesting perfection from the inside out. This light is our true connection to the Divine and when we decide to follow the wrong path, or when we allow others to overshadow our existence we can dim this fragile light very quickly; thus threatening to lose ourselves in the shuffle.
When our light within dims, our external appearance changes as well; we begin to look stressed out, sick, unhappy and lifeless. There is a reason why they say that our eyes are the window to our soul; our eyes are a reflection which mirrors our inner most secret emotions. No matter how much we try to hide how we feel, our eyes will always tell the truth that we carry within. When we lose touch with the Divine spark, our eyes lose the purity and radiance that connects us to our infinite essence.
Unfortunately, we live most of our lives unaware about this inner light and we are constantly allowing it to be overshadowed by our external circumstances. Looking back at my life 2 ½ yrs ago, I can remember how the stress of the job I had at that time consumed me, while my marriage was destroying and sucking the life out of me. I had nowhere to turn to for peace and quiet. Going to work had become a nerve wrecking odyssey and going home was a dreadful, chaotic and draining experience on its own.
All of this was happening at the same time, making me feel desperate, out of control, and I felt as though I was trapped without a way out. Those circumstances destroyed me emotionally, and physically. I started to have heart problems due to the high levels of stress; I remember looking at myself in the mirror being only 31yrs old and feeling as though I had aged 10 yrs. I couldn’t recognize myself anymore, I looked like and empty shell and I felt like a lost soul. The glow in my eyes was not there anymore; I had turned inward while dealing with all of this turmoil because I didn’t want anyone to know what was going on in my life and this was the worst thing I could have done, because keeping all the problems inside was causing me to dim my light to an almost non-existent spark.
My life was upside down for a long time until I finally began to turn to my Divine essence for help; I began to look within for the courage and the strength to make the right choices that would benefit my well being. I finally came to the realization that the main priority was to pick up all the pieces of my soul or what was left of it and take a stand for what I believed was right for me. I no longer accepted the chaos in my life, I decided to confront the people that were making my life a living hell both at work and in my personal life, and giving myself the respect I deserved I took a chance to turn my life around.
It wasn’t until I decided to connect with my Divine essence that I realized that life was not meant to be lived in chaos and unhappiness. I came to terms with the fact that I had the power to change the situations in my life that were no longer serving a positive purpose in my existence. This connection to the Divine gave me strength I never knew I had to follow through with choices I never thought I could make. Amazingly enough, as I started to gain this inner strength and courage so did the light within me begin to shine brighter and brighter. It felt as though a heavy weight was being lifted off my back one pound at a time; and as each pound was lifted a piece of my soul was being put back making me whole again.
It was amazing to see how my life started to change, not only was I being transformed from the inside but my whole external reality began to turn around. The situation at my job changed completely for me as I was transferred to a different division where the environment was much more peaceful and my new supervisor was a sweet and loving person with no drama; I decided to put a stop to the suffering my marriage was causing me and I decided to take a stand for myself and let go of my emotional attachment to someone who did not know how to appreciate me. Letting go of that relationship was one of the hardest decisions I ever made, but now that I look back, I realize that it was the best choice I could have made for my well being.
The connection with my divinity helped me find myself again because I did not know who I was for a long time. My internal light began to shine so bright that it was showing the transformation in a very dramatic way to the point where people started to notice and would comment on how young, radiant and beautiful I looked, my environment also was transformed to a very peaceful and joyful living. I did not dread coming home anymore and I could actually breathe without my heart being broken. Peace and light became a strong presence in my existence; thus, helping me to remember to always keep that inner light switch ON.
You see, life is full of challenges and it is up to us to keep connected to our Divine essence so that we don’t ever lose ourselves to the people and circumstances that come our way. It is imperative to always be aware and keep our essence intact no matter how draining the circumstances become, because at the end of the day when all the chaos in our lives dissipates, we still are responsible for our own well being and we are the only ones that can and will pick up the pieces of our soul.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Emotional detachment
Karla Solano
Years go by and life experiences seem to get more intense; it is as though becoming older meant that we have to be more resilient to emotional pain which by no means is this true. Every experience we go through brings a new lesson but as we go through the motions and live through the cycles of our existence, we only take as much as our hearts can handle.
We are fragile beings and our heartaches tend to linger with us for years before we decide to let them go one day. These scars create blockages in our heart chakra, thus making it almost impossible to open ourselves completely to new experiences. Our fear of getting hurt or the idea of not being in a reciprocal relationship can make it very difficult to connect with others in a balanced way. These emotional attachments to our past experiences hold us back and limit the way we give and receive love.
Being emotionally attached to people and circumstances hinder our ability to fully experience love, and yet being detached is one of the most difficult things to do. I find it very hard to detach myself from people who I have a strong connection with; it is strange but there are some people who come into our lives and sweep us off our feet in such a gentle way, that when you least expect it, you have already fallen for them. And while there is nothing wrong with giving our heart again to someone, it is important not to get lost in an emotional battle with ourselves.
Emotional detachment means to love and accept others in our lives without expectations, without limitations, and without judgment. Giving ourselves fully in the moment and letting go of the past and the future. Now, how easy is this to do? I don’t know anyone who has mastered this way of loving, and yet this is the only way to love in order to love without suffering.
Loving without attachment is beneficial because it allows relationships to grow without possessiveness, without being clingy, jealousy and with complete trust for one another. Relationships are much healthier, joyful and long lasting if experienced from this point of view. But the need of our ego to control, doesn’t allow us to express our true feelings for those we care about because of the fear of being rejected and exposed. Therefore, we rather keep on living a life of suffering wandering about the “what ifs” instead of learning to love and give without emotional attachment and in pure freedom; Which although difficult to undertake it is not impossible to achieve if we learn to meditate about loving and finding that inner connection with ourselves before attempting to love others.
Karla Solano
Years go by and life experiences seem to get more intense; it is as though becoming older meant that we have to be more resilient to emotional pain which by no means is this true. Every experience we go through brings a new lesson but as we go through the motions and live through the cycles of our existence, we only take as much as our hearts can handle.
We are fragile beings and our heartaches tend to linger with us for years before we decide to let them go one day. These scars create blockages in our heart chakra, thus making it almost impossible to open ourselves completely to new experiences. Our fear of getting hurt or the idea of not being in a reciprocal relationship can make it very difficult to connect with others in a balanced way. These emotional attachments to our past experiences hold us back and limit the way we give and receive love.
Being emotionally attached to people and circumstances hinder our ability to fully experience love, and yet being detached is one of the most difficult things to do. I find it very hard to detach myself from people who I have a strong connection with; it is strange but there are some people who come into our lives and sweep us off our feet in such a gentle way, that when you least expect it, you have already fallen for them. And while there is nothing wrong with giving our heart again to someone, it is important not to get lost in an emotional battle with ourselves.
Emotional detachment means to love and accept others in our lives without expectations, without limitations, and without judgment. Giving ourselves fully in the moment and letting go of the past and the future. Now, how easy is this to do? I don’t know anyone who has mastered this way of loving, and yet this is the only way to love in order to love without suffering.
Loving without attachment is beneficial because it allows relationships to grow without possessiveness, without being clingy, jealousy and with complete trust for one another. Relationships are much healthier, joyful and long lasting if experienced from this point of view. But the need of our ego to control, doesn’t allow us to express our true feelings for those we care about because of the fear of being rejected and exposed. Therefore, we rather keep on living a life of suffering wandering about the “what ifs” instead of learning to love and give without emotional attachment and in pure freedom; Which although difficult to undertake it is not impossible to achieve if we learn to meditate about loving and finding that inner connection with ourselves before attempting to love others.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Karla Solano
There are many times in our life when we feel as though we are floating on a high cloud full of joy and ecstasy, a high cloud where nothing can touch us or cause us pain. It is during moments like this when we are capable of tapping into a higher realm of existence, a higher realm where we are one with our true pure essence.
Experiencing this high state of bliss can bring forth abundance, radiance, health, beauty, peace and perfection from within; thus, enabling us to become channels of light which can be expanded to human kind. Maintaining a balanced sense of happiness is vital to our existence, therefore it is important to make a conscious effort to lead a life where we can bring joy to others and to ourselves.
Happiness is not only a feeling; it is also a state of mind. A state of mind that may seem hard to achieve sometimes especially when we experience turmoil going on all around us, such as the economic crisis we are going through, the loss of a loved one, or the loss of a job. All of these factors influence the way we feel and it can be challenging to maintain a smile on our faces. However, every difficult time we face gives us an opportunity to look within and search for things that can bring bliss to our lives.
There is so much to be happy about such as acknowledging the fact that you are a being full of life, health, and love. Learning to appreciate the small things that take place in our lives every day can make a big difference as to how we connect with the world, these small things could be something as simple as receiving a hug from a child, getting a smile from a stranger as we walk the street, Listening to a song we love, or just by enjoying a walk in the park on a sunny afternoon. No matter how “insignificant” these things may seem to us they are very meaningful and can brighten up our day.
The key is to be able to find joy in every situation we experience and have faith in the fact that “it too shall pass”, no matter how difficult and chaotic our lives become we can always count on the fact that after every storm there is a bright sunshine waiting to be discovered.
Karla Solano
There are many times in our life when we feel as though we are floating on a high cloud full of joy and ecstasy, a high cloud where nothing can touch us or cause us pain. It is during moments like this when we are capable of tapping into a higher realm of existence, a higher realm where we are one with our true pure essence.
Experiencing this high state of bliss can bring forth abundance, radiance, health, beauty, peace and perfection from within; thus, enabling us to become channels of light which can be expanded to human kind. Maintaining a balanced sense of happiness is vital to our existence, therefore it is important to make a conscious effort to lead a life where we can bring joy to others and to ourselves.
Happiness is not only a feeling; it is also a state of mind. A state of mind that may seem hard to achieve sometimes especially when we experience turmoil going on all around us, such as the economic crisis we are going through, the loss of a loved one, or the loss of a job. All of these factors influence the way we feel and it can be challenging to maintain a smile on our faces. However, every difficult time we face gives us an opportunity to look within and search for things that can bring bliss to our lives.
There is so much to be happy about such as acknowledging the fact that you are a being full of life, health, and love. Learning to appreciate the small things that take place in our lives every day can make a big difference as to how we connect with the world, these small things could be something as simple as receiving a hug from a child, getting a smile from a stranger as we walk the street, Listening to a song we love, or just by enjoying a walk in the park on a sunny afternoon. No matter how “insignificant” these things may seem to us they are very meaningful and can brighten up our day.
The key is to be able to find joy in every situation we experience and have faith in the fact that “it too shall pass”, no matter how difficult and chaotic our lives become we can always count on the fact that after every storm there is a bright sunshine waiting to be discovered.
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