Saturday, June 20, 2009

Emotional Barrier

Karla Solano

There are many times in our lives when the personal experiences we go through, affect us in a way where our approach towards life and people changes, causing us to close ourselves up and put an emotional barrier between us and the people in our lives. This approach is unfortunate because we tend to stereotype everyone simply because we had a negative experience, but the truth of the matter is that we are all unique individuals and as such we all carry specific traits that make us different from one another.

We create this “barrier” because we feel that it will protect us from getting hurt again but the reality is that this wall is only obstructing our own lives; thus creating emotional unbalance. This emotional blockage tends to alter our behavior causing us to do things that are not part of our true nature, because somehow we convince ourselves that if we change the way we are we can obtain happiness and never experience the pain we did in the past. So we begin a journey where we live for the moment, our take on life becomes superficial and the bonding and committing to anyone on an emotional level becomes non-existent.

We in a way become cold, afraid to show any sign of emotion that can make us vulnerable. We allow people in and out of our lives without really giving them a chance to show us that they are not like the stereotype we have created in our minds. Therefore, it is very easy to retract and just walk away from circumstances and people without regards for their feelings towards us.

This emotional barrier that we work so hard to put up is not really protecting us; it is only isolating us from the world. While it can give us a false sense of control and detachment, it is simply stopping us from really expressing our true feelings because as soon as we get too close to others we run away. If you really analyze this behavior, we are really not running away from anyone else except ourselves. Running away only helps to get rid off the people who care for us and at the end of the day we still have to deal with our own internal roller coaster of emotions that we keep sweeping under a rug.

A life lived in fear of being too vulnerable hinders our personal growth & emotional well being. Fear not only impairs our judgment but it also creates a void in our hearts which can make us feel lonely and depressed at times when we least expect it. No matter how hard we try not to get attached to others, we are bound to feel a strong connection with specific individuals who can touch our hearts in a special way, and it wouldn’t be fair to pass up on the opportunity to experience a wonderful relationship just because we are afraid.

It is important to confront our fears and allow the heart to open up and express its true emotions, because not all of our everyday experiences are bound to be negative. There are good apples as well as bad ones but it is up to us to discern the truth that each lesson brings into our lives and be willing to accept the growing pains they may cause. So unlock your heart and release the need to obstruct the path that leads to unifying yourself with others in a higher level of existence. Allow love and forgiveness to enter into your life to free you from all the resentment and fears caused by past experiences.

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