Thursday, July 30, 2009

Love beyond boundaries

Karla Solano

There are not enough words in our modern vocabulary to explain the kind of love I am about to discuss. From the moment we were conceived, our creator assigned a guiding light to each one of us, these guiding lights as we commonly call angels, are by our side 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

They share every minute of our existence making sure we are well taken care of. And yet we go about our daily routine unaware of their existence feeling as though we are independent from the universe.

So we go on with our lives day in and day out not realizing that every time we get a gut feeling that makes us take a different turn to avoid a terrible car accident, or perhaps whenever we are having a bad day we get an unexpected phone call from an old friend who lifts up our spirit, a little miracle is taking place.

Our angels with their unconditional love protect us and send us rays of light all the time but we disregard them as coincidences or just fate. The truth of the matter is that the love angels have for us has no boundaries; their love for us does not discriminate, it knows no race, no social status, no political or religious views, no matter if we are a criminal or the best Samaritan in the world, angels love us unconditionally, with a great sense of purity, tenderness and compassion.

These beautiful guiding lights are the true essence of God’s love manifested in our physical plane, they are the path to the infinite and we can have a strong connection with them if we choose to recognize their existence in our worlds. But because of the free will God granted us, angels cannot manifest their presence to us unless we call upon them and choose to establish a relationship with them. Free will only lets them come to us in an extreme live or die situation and they can send us rays of light and love in the hopes that we, someday awaken to their truth and pure loving guidance.

It is amazing to know that we have these beautiful loving energies surrounding our existence and yet we are so blinded by our logical minds to recognize and accept that they truly exist. I must tell you that once you connect with their infinite loving presence, life will never be the same. All of a sudden you will awaken to a new reality of pure love, joy and harmony; feeling at ease knowing that we have something so powerful around us making sure we are on the right track.

I invite you to establish a connection with your guiding lights and discover a life full of daily miracles. Yes, daily miracles take place every second of our days once we connect with our angels; they take care of every little thing if we ask them to. That is their reason for being, to assist, guide and enlighten us, to show us the way to living a life in union with our divine essence.
Don’t hesitate to call upon them for help; they are patiently waiting for you to acknowledge their presence.

Ways to communicate with your angels

1)Pray or meditate and tell your angels how thankful you are for their assistance during all of these years and tell them how much you love them.

2)Express to them how you would like to establish a true conscious connection with them and to assist you in opening your heart to receiving their daily messages and guidance.

3)Be very specific describing the kind of help you need and be willing to receive their guidance without judgment or self doubt.

4)Keep a daily journal and write the questions you would like answered by them, you will soon get the answers either through dreams, through people giving you advice or subliminal messages taking place in your daily routine. Pay attention because the messages are everywhere but you need to be aware so you don’t miss them.

5)Be open to having extraordinary things take place in your life. Because once you open the doorway to this heavenly realm, life will be full of wonderful gifts and miracles.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The gift of Womanhood

Karla Solano

Looking at my life I cannot imagine experiencing life in any other way but as a woman. And although sometimes the road can be more challenging because women are still viewed as the “weaker” sex, even in today’s society, I refuse to accept any less respect than men do.

We live in a Patriarchal society where men are viewed as the leaders because of the way they seem to have everything under control from a logical point of view. However, this attitude is fueled by insecurity and fear towards a much more powerful sex – womanhood.--

For centuries, women have been cast out of society if they expressed too much knowledge, power or if they were too connected with their intuitive nature. Why do you think that is? Because the only way to maintain the Patriarchal leadership is by suppressing and keeping under control the more sacred sex, therefore demeaning our existence on this planet. We live in the 21st century and although things have come a long way from the way they were 100 yrs ago, we still are oppressed in many ways in all different cultures. But all of this can change if we unite to make this world a better place to be.

Being a woman is the most amazing experience in the world because we are not afraid to give ourselves completely to any cause, we love unconditionally without regrets and without fear of expressing how we feel, our care taking and nurturing ability makes us loved by our children and the people in our lives. There is no comparison to how the love of a mother is far more powerful and healing than that of a father; we can move mountains because we follow our heart and not our logical minds. Living from the heart gives us the strength to overcome any obstacles that come our way and our subtle and soft caress can transform the lives of anyone we come into contact with. We are the bearers of life, and without our existence life on this planet would not be conceived.

We are far more in tune with who we really are because we pay attention to our intuition, which guides us in making the choices in our daily lives. Our power is not a power known in this physical reality; it comes from a Divine expression of life force and unparalleled love, we as women are the representation of the Divine cosmic Mother here on earth and as such we hold the key to transforming this world into a paradise.

Women represent the sacred feminine power on this planet which is the key to spiritual awakening for our world. We have an important mission which is to spread unconditional, selfless love to human kind; and it is our responsibility to maintain the torch of peace and freedom of expression alive so we can carry out the Divine message through our hearts and touch the lives of millions with our strength, tenderness, compassion and forgiveness.

The question becomes are you ready to walk into the life you were born to live? Expressing your true powerful nature to create a world where there is no you and me just “WE”, co-creating with our Divinity to live in unison with men without division of sexes just living in complete wholeness as ONE? This is a very crucial mission to the existence of our planet. Without this unification of the feminine and the masculine essences our planet will be destroyed and with it our entire race.

I send this message out to all the women who with their innate power to change our existence on this planet are willing to unite with me in this mission of love, forgiveness, freedom of oppression and compassion to touch the lives of others one person at a time until all souls are elevated to a higher state of expanded consciousness, until our entire human race communes as ONE.

Monday, July 20, 2009

A poem to the Divine Mother

Karla Solano

Oh Divine essence of love… you ignite my world with light and joy… I love thee for you bring me hope, when the world around me seems to fall down upon all. I embrace your grace and radiant glow because without you this world would self destruct.

Your compassion is as vast as the ocean that surrounds our earth…and if it weren’t for your forgiveness our lives would be a dead end. I thank you for your subtlety and soft caress, for bringing peace and balance in such a decaying earth.

Your presence is felt each day.....when a mother gives her unconditional love to children on earth. You are represented by every nurturing, loving and compassionate being on this world…whether male or female…that is not the point.

You represent the union between the logic mind (masculine) and the emotional essence (feminine) and to you there is no distinction between one or the other…they are just ONE. Perfectly aligned and integrated to complete a Whole.

May your wisdom be showered upon all who are ready to receive your gift of union and love…for this world’s only chance to save itself it’s by becoming one with all that it contains. And for as long as we continue to alienate ourselves from one another...we will keep missing the chance to live a peaceful and loving existence on this earth.

I ask of thee to guide my way so that I can be a beacon of your light on earth… Give me the strength and courage to stand up for what I believe so that I am able to bring the truth of your essence back to each soul on this physical plane….

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Shifting Energies

Karla Solano

Our life like the wind is in constant movement. This movement of energy is necessary to ensure that our personal growth is in a continuous path of renewal, without this process our lives run the risk of becoming stagnant and limited.

There are many times in our lives when we feel as though we cannot catch a breath because of all the curve balls that seem to come in our direction at once causing our worlds to appear in a state of chaos and imbalance; It almost feels as if we can hardly grasp some air to fully recover from one chaotic experience before facing another.

During times like these it’s important to note that all of these “chaotic” experiences as difficult as they may appear are really happening to push us into a new direction that can bring us many blessings and growth.

We as human beings, tend to become comfortable in our everyday existence and most of the time we become so used to our environment that we cause our own energy to become still and limited. It becomes a habit to keep a routine because it makes us feel safe and in control; but the truth of the matter is that we could be hindering our own progress because of the fear of stepping out of our comfort zone.

One thing that I have noticed through personal experience is that just when I think I am at a good point in my life, something will occur to bring change into my existence. At first this used to get me very upset because I felt as though the Universe was being cruel to me but as the years have gone by and I have learned to observe why things happen the way they do, I have realized that we are connected with the Universe and all that is contained within it and no matter how separate and independent of the world we think we are, everything is taking place for our well being.

The Universe is working in our benefit, therefore it will cause the energies to shift and create waves of movement that can appear chaotic but in reality they are just cleansing our existence and breaking away old energies to make room for the new ones to fill our world.

There is not one drop of rain that falls from the sky without having a reason for being, everything is in perfect alignment and the shift of energies are a primordial part of our existence. Learn to embrace all the situations that come to your world and realize that everything is in its perfect place; life is already taken care of by a higher force that knows what’s best for us before we can even catch a glimpse of it.

Trust that everything is working to our advantage whether we realize it or not. The bigger picture is hard to see when we are going through our everyday turmoil but have faith in the fact that we have a higher power looking after our well being, who has a great view from up above and can see what is the best path for us to follow.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Inner Knowing

Karla Solano

The path to self discovery is a rocky road to follow; it takes a lot of patience, self discipline and perseverance. But once you find yourself and reach a higher state of awareness, there is nothing that can take away all the inner joy, peace and self love that this inner knowing brings.

Our everyday life tends to distract us from the infinite connection with our inner guidance; therefore it is imperative to take time out from our busy schedules to fully engage in strengthening this higher connection with the universe and with all that is contained within it, so that we can become whole again.

Inner knowing not only brings bliss into our lives, but it also gives us a sense of assurance that everything is in place the way it needs to be, it gives us a feeling of being protected and taken care of. It is amazing but something magical takes place once we connect with our Divine self. Life becomes easier to deal with, we learn to observe situations and people before reacting irrationally, we become more receptive and accepting of others, and the need to judge ourselves and others dissipates.

Learning to trust our inner knowing is an essential part of our existence because it guides us in the right direction, and it helps us learn about ourselves. This process does not happen overnight however, we all have the power within us to reach the unparalleled infinite path to discovering our true divine nature. All we have to do is look within to find all the perfection we seek.

The only way to really find our true connection with the Divine is by making a conscious effort to let go of the control our egos long for; Unplugging completely from the daily noise by finding peaceful and quiet moments in our lives which can help us maintain a balanced and joyful existence.

All this inner knowing really means is that we as human physical beings need to learn how to get out of our own way and allow our Divine spirit to work through us so that we can live a healthier, peaceful and loving life. Our Divine essence is sitting there quietly waiting for the moment when we give ourselves permission to live in unison with our higher self.

This gift of inner knowing is very powerful and it can only bring forth emotional and physical healing as well as purity into our lives. So let’s begin to connect with our Divine essence so we can fully embrace our existence on this planet, in complete unison with one another.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The doorway to Heaven

Karla Solano

Before I can even begin to write about this doorway, it is important to understand what heaven really is. No matter what religious doctrine we follow, we learn at a very early age about a heaven where we are supposed to go if we are good. We are taught about a heaven that is so far away from us that it is basically unreachable to human kind unless we lead a life without “sin.” And in the case we do “sin”, we have to make sure we repent before we die so we can guarantee a so called place in that heavenly realm.

Heaven is a lot more than just a place we go to when we die. Heaven is a higher realm of existence that is present in our lives every single minute of our being on this planet. Heaven is a higher state of consciousness, a place where we can connect with our higher self and the entire angelic realm whenever we want to find out all the answers to our everyday questions; all we need to do is just look within, ask and trust this inner guidance.

This Heaven is a sacred place where we can go to whenever we feel sad, happy, alone, worried, any time we feel out of place and whenever we want the truth to be revealed to us. We all have our own individual heaven which is as much a part of us as the air we breathe. This heaven is customized to fit our needs and to guide us in making the best choices that will benefit our personal growth and experiences.

You may ask yourself, where is this Heaven and why don’t I have it? Well this Heaven I speak of is embedded in the deepest fiber of our soul, it can be found in our hearts. The reason why we don’t see it is not because it’s not there, but because we as a human race have decided to close this doorway and pay attention to our external dense worlds.

We have become so consumed by materialism, greed, media obsession and selfish behavior, that we have altered our existence on this planet to be controlled by our minds and egos, instead of allowing our hearts and inner knowing to guide us in making our lives much easier to deal with.

Just imagine for a split second how wonderful it would be if we allowed our lives to be guided by this sacred heaven we carry within; if we just let go of the steering wheel and sat in the passenger seat of our lives and just allowed this inner knowing to softly take over and make the best decisions for us without suffering. Just letting it flow through us so we can have the most creative and beautiful ideas without any struggle.

It would be as easy as allowing the latest GPS system to take over when we are driving our cars, taking us in the right direction every time we set a new destination. Think about it! How easy have our lives become with this new GPS device? I for one love it. I could not imagine my life without it. Every time I want to go somewhere I have never been to before, I take my GPS, enter my destination and just trust that it will take the best route to get me to where I need to go.

That is exactly what our inner Heaven does for us. It takes the best route to get us to where we need to go, to meeting the people who are the best for our personal growth, to bringing situations in our lives that are perfect for every single one of us; without hesitations, without struggles, without fear, without anger, without pain. Everything just takes place as it should be effortlessly.

The doorway to heaven is the conscious expansion of our being, which can be reached through daily meditation. There is a misconception about meditation because most people think that they have to be into Buddhism or Hinduism and it is falsely believed that you must sit on a lotus position in order to meditate. But the truth is that no matter what religious background we come from, we can all take a few minutes of each day to sit quietly, undisturbed, focusing in our inner selves, just breathing rhythmically and filling our lungs with pure air, while connecting with nature. You can do this for just 5 to 10 minutes daily and you can begin to feel a deeper sense of belonging and connection to all that exists.

It is amazing how our lives begin to shift once we surrender to this infinite expansion of consciousness. Once you begin to feel the Divine vibrations and see how love and perfection are always working through us and around us, there is no turning back to the old, false connection to the material world. Once the doorway to heaven has been opened the possibilities to what can be possible are infinite and nothing will ever feel too big or too overwhelming to accomplish.

So now that we know what heaven is, let’s focus on how to connect to it and keep the doorway to this heaven opened to receive all the gifts it has for us. The following steps are tools that can help us keep centered and open to creating a deep connection with our inner heaven.

Steps to opening the doorway to heaven

1) Recognize that you are a divine being
2) Allow your inner wisdom to guide you by listening to your heart
3) Free yourself from judgmental behavior towards yourself and others
4) Live and love without physical, emotional and mental attachments
5) Let go of the need to control
6) Clear your emotional baggage
7) Meditate daily
8) Let go and Let God flow through your being