Sunday, July 19, 2009

Shifting Energies

Karla Solano

Our life like the wind is in constant movement. This movement of energy is necessary to ensure that our personal growth is in a continuous path of renewal, without this process our lives run the risk of becoming stagnant and limited.

There are many times in our lives when we feel as though we cannot catch a breath because of all the curve balls that seem to come in our direction at once causing our worlds to appear in a state of chaos and imbalance; It almost feels as if we can hardly grasp some air to fully recover from one chaotic experience before facing another.

During times like these it’s important to note that all of these “chaotic” experiences as difficult as they may appear are really happening to push us into a new direction that can bring us many blessings and growth.

We as human beings, tend to become comfortable in our everyday existence and most of the time we become so used to our environment that we cause our own energy to become still and limited. It becomes a habit to keep a routine because it makes us feel safe and in control; but the truth of the matter is that we could be hindering our own progress because of the fear of stepping out of our comfort zone.

One thing that I have noticed through personal experience is that just when I think I am at a good point in my life, something will occur to bring change into my existence. At first this used to get me very upset because I felt as though the Universe was being cruel to me but as the years have gone by and I have learned to observe why things happen the way they do, I have realized that we are connected with the Universe and all that is contained within it and no matter how separate and independent of the world we think we are, everything is taking place for our well being.

The Universe is working in our benefit, therefore it will cause the energies to shift and create waves of movement that can appear chaotic but in reality they are just cleansing our existence and breaking away old energies to make room for the new ones to fill our world.

There is not one drop of rain that falls from the sky without having a reason for being, everything is in perfect alignment and the shift of energies are a primordial part of our existence. Learn to embrace all the situations that come to your world and realize that everything is in its perfect place; life is already taken care of by a higher force that knows what’s best for us before we can even catch a glimpse of it.

Trust that everything is working to our advantage whether we realize it or not. The bigger picture is hard to see when we are going through our everyday turmoil but have faith in the fact that we have a higher power looking after our well being, who has a great view from up above and can see what is the best path for us to follow.

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