Sunday, August 9, 2009

Soul Searching....Following the Love Path

Karla Solano

My Soul longs for all the answers…So many questions unanswered…. The mysteries are many and the pathways are endless….Which is the right one I question? Or does it really matter is my suggestion? All the messages are the same, disguised by different doctrines and domains… The underlying message is all the same…Love, Peace and compassion they all teach…For these are the three truths we must live by in order to make our world a better place to be in…..

There is not one path better than the other to guide us back to the One Divine…For He created us with freedom of choice, therefore let’s not get hung up on which road is right or wrong… For all the paths we choose to take will lead us back to the Divine source….

Although the paths are many and the choices are endless...There is only one real truth that connects us all…and that is…LOVE.

Love is the truth that will set us free… Love is the antidote to all of humanity’s diseases and war….Love is the truth by which we should abide by…For there is no darkness where Love exists…There is no sadness, nor hunger, nor suffering if we are open to give and receive Love in an unconditional way.

Love is the cure to human’s social behavior; Love is the ONE truth that can unite us as a human race…For where there is unity there is no despair.

My Soul longs for the day when we can all see the beauty that’s hidden within, the beauty and perfection that has no skin color, social status, nor religious belief…The day when we can remove the veil that blinds us and hides our Real Divine essence, is the day when we will set our souls free…

We still have time to repair all the damage we have caused to ourselves and our earth….So let’s gather together and start living this one truth…Living in Unison to becoming whole again in Divine love, peace and compassion…..No matter which road we decide to follow…they all will lead us back to One Divine Source.

1 comment:

Rev. Daniel Thomas Smith said...

you are one of Gods gifts to humanity to be so in tune and deep at your age it is just Awesome!

Keep Writing

Rev. Dan