Sunday, December 26, 2010

Getting out of our own way!

Karla Solano

***Words of Empowerment***

Empower your actions by getting out of your own way....there is no one and nothing stopping you from achieving your goals...You are the only one who can make it happen for yourself so stop playing the victim role and take action. The only way to achieve anything you want out of life is by believing in yourself! Trust that if you have the capability to dream it then you also have the power to make it a reality.

All content on this site ©2010-2011 Infinite Living Coaching

Monday, December 13, 2010

Rushing through Life

Karla Solano

As I walked to work the other day I couldn’t help but notice how programmed we are to live in a robotic manner. I watched how all of us rushed from the bus terminal to our work destination as if we were being followed by some sort of time warden. Weaving through the streets, dodging people as they get in our way, we lose ourselves in the rush against time to reach as fast as we can to nowhere but to an unhealthy and unhappy way of life.

It dawned upon me that I should try and make an effort to slow down and actually be more conscious of enjoying my walk to work, after all why was I rushing? It’s not like I was running late so why was my pace so quick? I kept trying to come up with the reasons why we all had the need to hurry to our destination and I couldn’t figure out why; but one thing I did notice was that no matter what our individual reasons may be, the one thing we all had in common was the stressed look on our faces, as we were all out of breath with frustrated attitudes as we reached to our final destination.

I realized as I got to work that day that I was like a robot marching to work every morning, putting in my hours of work and then rushing out at the end of the day to catch my bus to go home to live my life in the few hours left of the day. This observation made me feel as though life was slipping away as I swift my way through it. And I couldn’t help but think that there is got to be more to life that just waking up every morning to go through this over and over again as if it were Ground’s hog day every day.

Time seems to be going faster as I get older and I can’t stand the idea of living every day to go to work just so I can live the financially successful life I dreamt of having. There is more to our existence on this planet than this hamster wheel of motion that only gets us older faster without having a true meaning of being. I came to the realization that until we finally decide to get off that wheel, we will never truly begin to live.

We are all here in this moment in time to find out our true purpose and trust me when I tell you that our purpose is more than just having a job to pay for the things we want to have. Life is about true connection with nature and those around us, it is about enjoying the gift of being alive; it is about taking time to reflect on the ways we can be of help to others and leaving a positive mark on this planet.

Life is about laughing and sharing special moments with the people we care about so that we may establish strong bonds that will give us the strength and courage to face any obstacles we may encounter through life. I urge you to take time to stop and smell the roses, learn to slow down and live consciously so that life doesn’t pass you by without having a true purpose for being.

Life was meant to be enjoyed and lived to the fullest, so learn to let go and free yourself from the limitations that stop you from fully blossoming.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Katy Perry - Firework

I heard this song on the radio and couldn't resist sharing it with you... The lyrics are a perfect example of who we truly are inside.

"You just gotta Ignite the light and let it shine- just own the night like the 4th of July. 'cause baby you are a firework... let your colors burst.. You are original and can't be replaced..."
Katy Perry's song Firework

I invite you to connect with this song and feel that light within shine brighter than the moon!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Re-connecting with the true meaning of the Holidays

Karla Solano

I remember loving the holidays when I was a child; it was a magical time that would get started on December 8th. On this particular night every house in every neighborhood would light up the front entrance of their houses with candles, kids would play with fire crackers and fireworks would illuminate the streets of my country…Colombia; every neighbor would come out and share this fun moment of light. This celebration was in honor of the mother of compassion and mercy, a very important day for a country in which the main spiritual belief was Catholicism.

After this magical day we would begin to gather with the neighbors every night in preparation of Christmas day, we would go from house to house singing Christmas carols, eating different foods and pastries and sharing meaningful moments with those who lived near us.

The holidays had a different meaning for me, it represented a time when relatives would come from all different cities to gather and spend joyful times together. Even though I grew up expecting Christmas day to arrive so I could open up all my presents, Christmas was a lot more than just shopping and opening gifts; it represented putting all worries aside to really take the time to bond with one another instead of rushing to wait in front of a retail store at the crack of dawn to get the best deals in town.

This commercialized misinterpretation of the holidays gets me very upset, not only because we have lost touch of what the true meaning of the holidays is all about but because during these tough economic times, people tend to put so much emphasis on the things they cannot afford, instead of really focusing on the wonderful gifts they already have which can never be replaced by material things.

The holidays are meant to be a joyous time for sharing and giving but let’s not confuse the word “giving” by the material ways but by giving our love to those around us, spending time to really connect with the people in our life, giving our attention to becoming more peaceful and less stressed out, making an effort to be less self absorbed and help those in need, and by focusing our energy in really making a positive impact in people’s lives.

Times are changing and it is time for us to connect with the true essence of the joyful and peaceful times that the holidays are supposed to bring, by being grateful for all the wonderful blessings in our life, and by opening ourselves to the true sharing of the gifts in our hearts that can never be substituted by a gift card or any box wrapped in a pretty wrapping paper.

I invite you to experience the holidays and life from this perspective:

-- Love more and resent less… This will increase the chances of living a happier life

--Laugh more and cry less… This will radiate the youth within

--Count your blessings…. This will bring forth more abundance

--Live each day as if it were your last by making a positive impact no matter what you do….This will allow you to really enjoy life and truly love others instead of worrying about nonsense

--Take time to really relax and breathe, life is too short to live in a constant state of stress….This will allow your mind, body and soul to re-align and bring forth clarity and inspiration

--Share precious moments with your friends and family…This will give you the endurance you need during the toughest times in your life

May your holidays be full of joy, love and peace.
Happy Holidays

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A life forever gone

Karla Solano

There are no words to express the pain felt when a loved one passes away; it is as if a piece of our soul broken by the pain decided to also leave with them. This important part of our existence is one that we can never be ready for. It always takes us by surprise, when we least expect it, leaving a big empty void in our hearts.

Life brings us these experiences to show us how vulnerable we really are and during these circumstances I can’t help but think about how much we take for granted the people in our lives. Moments such as these are a strong reminder on how important it is to enjoy every single minute of our existence here on earth, we must learn to show our love and our appreciation to those wonderful people who with their presence have made an impact on our life.

Life is too short to live it sad, worrying about shallow things, because when the people we love are gone the only thing that is left is the grief and the regrets of what we could have done differently to have spent one last moment of joy with that person.

Our life can be taken away in a flash, one minute we are here and the next we can be gone. So let’s learn to cease each moment and embrace life like it is the last day of our existence; learning to live it with love, leaving all the grudges and resentments behind, learning to forgive those who have caused us pain but most importantly living from our hearts.

I invite you to open up your hearts and fully embrace those loved ones whom you have lost touch with throughout the years, take a moment to make amends and let go of your pride by letting those you care about know how much you really love them. Don’t waste any time leaving things for tomorrow because in reality today is all we have and tomorrow may never come…

In memory of those who have passed away and have left a mark in our lives
You will be forever missed.

Monday, November 15, 2010

A gesture of love ( from a 7yr old)

Karla Solano

I have been very blessed to encounter wonderful people in my life who have brought me not only many memories of joy but also many growing lessons; one of these people happens to be my 7yr old nephew. His name is Adrian and he happens to be the love of my life, this boy was born to not only bring us together as a family unit but also to give us one of the most important gifts anyone can give…the gift of Love.

His existence has caused a shift in me and my family and his presence has filled our lives with light and joy. There is not a day that goes by in which the radiance of his love goes unnoticed. His charming smile lights up a whole room no matter how dense the energy may be and his sense of humor brightens up our day with the funny things he comes up. Sometimes I wonder how someone so young could be so charismatic, not to mention thoughtful and caring.

Adrian’s love and caring nature touched me in a very deep way this past weekend when as I laid in bed not feeling well he took it upon himself (with the help of his mother) to prepare breakfast for me, not only did he help cook for the breakfast but he also brought it to my bed with a card that he made which read “feel better- made with love- Adrian”; this simple gesture of love has managed to touch me in such a profound manner as to inspire me to write this article about him.

I am so thankful to have a considerate and kind gentleman as my nephew, for this type of chivalry is not learned; his true nature is shining through like a diamond in the desert and it is nice to know that he will grow up to be a loving and caring man. A man who will in turn touch many lives in a positive way as he has touched me at such a young age.

This article is written to celebrate all the wonderful children who are on this planet who with their love and light brighten up our lives each day. Let’s encourage their kind behavior and show them by example how to live in a unified, loving way, for they are the hope of our future as ONE human race.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Superficial Self

Karla Solano

The superficial self, also known as the ego, plays a key role in our life because it provides us with a projection or concept of who we think we are and the part we should play in our existence. This superficial self is responsible for the lifestyle we choose to live, the circle of friends we surround ourselves with, the kind of places we choose to visit, the status we think we deserve, and the material possessions we acquire. Our ego is so preoccupied with the image it needs to portray at all times, that it tends to put a cloud of smoke between who we really are and the façade we wish to portray as individuals. This deluded vision of ourselves causes us to become attached to people, experiences and superficial ideas that create suffering in our life.

Realizing that this persona we create to feed our ego is not the true nature of who we really are is of extreme importance if we ever want to experience true happiness. This superficial self binds us to a life of impermanent events, thus leaving us with the feeling of always wanting something more to quench the thirst of our desires; because nothing is ever enough for the ego.

So if we are not the superficial self we have created, this persona we project to be, then who are we? Well let’s start by stripping all the layers; once we have removed the status, the profession, the name, the material possessions, the color of our skin, the gender, and the age, we are just a being, a being with the potential to transform ourselves and create a life full of blissful moments that don’t have a beginning or an end.

This being is like an empty vessel ready to make choices that will enable us to co-exist with one another in peace, love and compassion. I like to compare this vessel to a glass full of clean water, if we put dirt in the water (such as the drama we create to feed our ego) the water gets muddy and clouded and we can’t see through it; same way our façade prevents us from really seeking the true nature of our being. Once we take the dirt out of the water, the water becomes clean again and purified, so does our true self becomes clear once we let go of all the attachments that cause our impermanent state of happiness.

Becoming aware of our true nature is like being awaken into a new way of life, once we discover and connect with that true way of being there is no turning back; life becomes clear and our worlds cease to collapse. Once we tap into that heightened way of existence, we become a solid foundation full of courage and strength that will surpass any obstacles that may arise in our physical reality.

The good news is that we have the power to choose our own destiny and it is up to us to decide whether or not we want to follow the path of pure bliss and infinite possibilities or impermanence and suffering. So knowing that you do have a choice which one will you choose?

All content on this page ©2010 Infinite Living Coaching

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Journey of Life

Karla Solano

Life is a journey full of self discovery, personal growth and deep connection with who we are in relation to the universe and the Divine. We begin the process of self development from the moment we are born; first we learn to discover the world around us through the sense of taste. As infants we learn to pick everything up and put it into our mouth in order to connect & understand everything in our environment.

As we grow, we start to develop rational and we start asking the reason why things are the way they are; we have all been amused at some point in our lives by the constant questioning of a 5yr old as he/she tries to understand the meaning of things. As we question and reason our way through life, we enter the stage of knowledge. This is a very important process of our development as we go through our school yrs, because our brain begins to develop and grow with loads of information that will continually aid in the process of mind expansion.

As we move into our teenage years, we begin to live through the heart and we live life with passion and without limitations, we feel invincible as though nothing can stop us; this is a stage in our lives where we begin to live through our emotions, allowing them to run our existence. This crucial period of our lives tends to shape the character that we will become as adults, as all the fears, insecurities, disappointments and heartaches make up the wall we create as a protective mechanism.

During this time, we convince ourselves that life is hard, that we have no control over our personal well being and we begin to live with apprehension, doubting our ability to enjoy life and be happy without material satisfaction.

As adults we become consumed by the density and stress of responsibility and we become like robots, living day in and a day out, following the same routine in order to satisfy our roles in society and the achievement of material success. Until one day, after we have reached a point in our life where we feel all the goals we had set out for ourselves have been attained, and after reaching the material success we thought would make us happy, we realize that we still feel empty, unhappy and unfulfilled; forcing us to reach higher for a deeper connection to all that exists. It is at this pivotal point of our existence that some of us decide to undertake a journey of self discovery.

This journey within is where we search for true connection with who we are and what our true purpose of existence really is. At this stage we begin to search for deep meaning and true union with our Divine nature and we undertake a journey where our main focus is to find happiness, pure love and a purposeful way of life. A life which can only be found when we truly connect with the true essence of our being; at this point of our life we begin the development of our spiritual self which in turn will bring forth transformation in ways we never thought possible.

All of these different stages in our life are very important in our development process and it is important to keep in mind that we are all individuals and as such, we go through these stages at our own pace. So there is no need to rush or be impatient if the people around us don’t understand where we are in life in relation to this personal and spiritual growth. We will all get to where we need to be when the time is right and when we are ready and open to accept it as our truth.

Life is an amazing journey but it is imperative that no matter which stage of our development process we find ourselves in, we live life with good intentions, good will and with a positive outlook. Because a life well lived is the best gift we can give to ourselves and those around us.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

From Breakup to Breakthrough

Karla Solano

The end of a relationship is always a hard thing to cope with because it could leave us feeling vulnerable, confused & not to mention broken hearted; these feelings are just fears and insecurities brought forth by our mind’s resistance to be open to change. While it is true that breaking up with someone we love can bring a tremendous amount of loss and sadness, it is important not to overlook at the fact that every time a chapter in our life ends it also brings with it life changing beginnings.

It is imperative not to get lost in the sadness and the chaos that the breakups may cause because as hard as it may be to see, every single thing that happens in our lives has a reason for being, a bigger purpose if you will. In the midst of our emotional chaos, we tend to get blinded by the drama and the reasons why the relationship ended. We dwell in the past and sometimes get stuck there, not realizing that we maybe passing on the opportunity to learn valuable lessons being offered by this experience.

Focusing on the good memories, and opening our hearts to connecting with that loving place we once experienced with the other person can be very powerful in helping with the process of forgiveness and healing, thus, helping us move forward to a much positive state of mind.

We are very resilient beings, and it is extremely important not to forget how strong we are when we are feeling out place and losing control by the emotional roller coaster of the breakup; it is also essential for our well being to recognize our emotions, allow them to be and explore them and ask ourselves what is it that I need to learn from this experience so the pattern doesn’t repeat itself in the next relationship I encounter? What is it that brings me joy? And what can I do to connect with that happiness again? What would my life be like if I let go of all the resentment I hold in my heart? What would it be like to put myself first and take care of my needs? What is stopping me from moving forward? These are all very powerful questions that can lead us to taking actions steps to create the life we are meant to have.

Life is like a roller coaster sometimes we are high up in the clouds and sometimes we are down hanging by a thread but it is up to us to roll with the punches or to let life walk all over us. The most amazing insight that I have realized through my ups and downs is that We as human beings have the power to choose whether to be happy or not, We have the power to create our own sacred environment in which to find refuge when we need to get centered, We have the power to change our limiting thoughts into confident dreams that can become a reality if we choose to go after them.

Breaking through the sadness, chaos and fears during the end of any relationship will not only help you connect with your personal power but it will also guide you in transforming your life into the life you are meant to live--a life full of infinite possibilities.—

All content on this page ©2010 Infinite Living Coaching

Monday, July 12, 2010

Committing to Oneself

Karla Solano

One of the most valuable things to do in life is to learn to commit to ourselves. Committing to oneself means to make a vow to create a life full of good intentions, a life where love is the primordial principle enveloping our existence with compassion and kindness. Committing to oneself means to really look within and explore our infinite potential, reflecting on who we really are and how we can become better human beings.

Learning to commit to oneself is the key to finding true happiness, because until we find out who we really are and truly become whole we will never be able to fully connect with others in a deep level. The truth of the matter is that no one will ever get to know “you” better than yourself so why leave it up to our material possessions, our jobs and the people around us define who we are? Connecting with our true essence allows us to see ourselves for who we really are, without titles, social status, race or religious background.

Knowing who we are empowers us to be confident, to express ourselves in creative ways, to not be afraid of showing our true colors; it allows us to be free from judgmental behaviors which hinder our ability to interact with others in a compassionate and respectful way.

Committing to create a life where we share true and meaningful experiences with others will not only bring fulfillment but it will also open up our hearts into allowing the flow of our true essence to come forth in everything we do. This true essence is our natural state of being which manifests our loving, creative and enlightened self; our true essence is what helps us get up and keep on going when the going gets tough and there is no one around to help us. This essence will never steer us in the wrong direction, on the contrary, it will always make sure we live a life full of right decisions, harmony and loving connections. But in order for this true essence to manifest, we must learn to overcome the habit of resisting the true connection with who really are.

So make a vow today, to commit to “you”, to explore all the wonderful ways in which you no longer need to hold on to people or outside circumstances that set you back from fully experiencing joy because the happiness and love you seek cannot be found unless you find them within yourself.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Who am I?

Karla Solano

This question has inspired great philosophers for centuries to go beyond their logical thought process and explore their consciousness to come up with an answer that will justify our existence in this vast universe. I have always been intrigued by this question since I was a child; I remember being fascinated with the knowing that we were beings with the capacity to think, speak and express our emotions in ways that no other living creature in our planet can.

Looking at our body’s composition from a physiological point of view we can see that we are made up of tiny little cells, atoms, molecules, water, hydrogen and electromagnetic waves of energy; not to mention all the wiring made up of our veins transporting blood & oxygen throughout our entire body. Every organ, muscle and bone in our body has a specific purpose for being in order for it to function with perfection; and it is mind boggling and marvelous to exist with the ability to use our rational and have a conscience to discern right from wrong.

We are a master piece created with a purpose for being more than just this perfect & complex physical body. We are not only flesh and bone but also lively beings vibrating energy and light, capable of transmuting energy from negative to positive and vice versa. We are the co-creators in this vast universe with infinite potential to make our existence in this planet a very peaceful and rewarding experience.

We must learn from the perfection of our body and the way it functions, since every part of our body is interconnected with each other they all depend on one another to work in synchronistic order. By understanding this simple principle of inter connection within our body one cannot help but realize how dependent we are from one another as a human race and although we are individual beings made up of light, energy and matter capable to function on our own we cannot survive in this universe if we continue to alienate ourselves from each other.

We are one collective source of perfection and as such we need to work together in becoming an evolved race full of love, peace and elevated intelligence.

So who am I? I am the sun, I am the stars, I am the universe, I am the infinite, I am all that exists and everything contained in the universe is in me & in you because we are all one.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Anxiety and Meditation

Written by
Karla Solano

What is anxiety?
•Anxiety, anxiousness ((psychiatry) a relatively permanent state of worry and nervousness occurring in a variety of mental disorders, usually accompanied by compulsive behavior or attacks of panic). A vague unpleasant emotion that is experienced in anticipation of some (usually ill-defined) misfortune)

We all experience anxiety at one point or another in our lives; the constant state of emergency which we live in causes our stress levels to rise and our defense mechanism to drop, thus, causing our body to reach a breaking point when faced with difficult experiences.

Anxiety is a form of fear and worry; these feelings are just energy, in this case it is energy that causes a negative emotion. Since energy is transmutable it can be altered to its opposite state of being. It is important to keep in mind that we have the power to change this negative energy into positive energy that can bring us peace and pure bliss. We just need to learn to expand our minds and recognize this power of change within ourselves. This is when meditation comes to play an important part of our lives, because it can help us transform our inner turmoil into peace and it can also give us clarity of mind and a true connection with our natural state of being.

Anxiety & meditation

Deep, relaxed breathing by itself can help reduce high levels of stress. This helps you get plenty of oxygen and activates the relaxation response, which is the body’s antidote to stress.

Other ways to reduce stress and anxiety include but are not limited to:

•Listening to relaxing music, spending time in nature, reading a book, dancing, playing with a pet and children, talking to a close friend, finding time to laugh and be youthful.

10 minutes of deep breathing meditation

The best way to deal with anxiety at the moment we feel it creep up is to maintain calm, close your eyes for a few minutes and take deep breaths. Count 1 as you inhale, 2 as you exhale, 3 as you inhale and so forth & so on. Do this exercise for 10 counts. Become aware of your breath going in through the nose and out the nose. Do not follow the breath through your lungs. Just keep focusing on the refreshing feeling of the breathing, put the palm of your left hand in your heart and connect with the beating of your heart as you breathe, feel the rhythm of the heart synchronize & slow down as you begin to center yourself.

Keep breathing in and out, if thoughts of worry or fear begin to distract you, let them be, notice them and let them go as you continue to count your breaths. Do this for as long as you need to, until you feel the anxiety, fears and worries slowly dissipate.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Living for today

Karla Solano

The universe has a way of bringing very special & joyful moments into our lives every minute of our existence here on earth...Those wonderful experiences are very meaningful when we submerge ourselves completely to that moment in time, living it to the fullest and without limitations. Realizing that today is all we have makes it even more special because we can stop obsessing about what tomorrow may bring.

Living for today really means to take every second of our day and savor it with love, gratitude and joy. Imagine for a moment that you only had today to live, wouldn’t you want to make sure everything you did, you did in a meaningful way? Instead of rushing through life to get us nowhere, in fact the only place we are rushing to get to is our death bed; because stressing over every little thing only brings us more suffering and disease.

We live in a constant race against time, going through the motions without really paying attention to what we are doing. We wake up in the morning and start our routine by rushing out of bed to get ready as quickly as we can to get to work, or school, and we barely take the time to really enjoy a healthy breakfast in the morning and if we do make time for breakfast is a rushed cup of coffee as we travel to work. How can we say that we are living life if we are in this constant state of emergency?

We must bear in mind that living mindfully is key in order to have a fulfilled existence and it is up to us to make sure that our life doesn’t pass us by without really embracing it and making the time to fully experience it.

There is nothing more precious than taking time to smell a flower and really connect with the fragrance, the texture, the colors and the beauty the flower has to offer, or how about really eating our meals enjoying what we are eating, chewing and really tasting every flavor without being on the phone or watching television? Or how about really listening when someone is talking to us instead of texting someone else at the same time? We are so used to multitasking that we have forgotten how to focus our attention on one thing at a time.

We all know how distracting life can be but we cannot and must not allow the constant distraction gear us away from fully submerging ourselves in having a true connection with our every day experiences. The truth of the matter is that if we don’t fully immerse ourselves in the things we do, we run the risk of living a life without deep connection, barely tapping on the surface of what true living is all about.

All I can say is that no matter how hectic our life may get, we have to make a conscious commitment to ourselves to not waste any minute of our existence here on earth, and by this I mean not wasting a second to fully engage in a deep state of connection with everything we do. Because we have not lived life until we have learned to live mindfully; so start today, take one experience at a time and enjoy it, fully embrace it and feel your way through life instead of rushing through it.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Family--our deep foundation and life long support

Karla Solano

As we get older life tends to become more complex and sometimes the experiences become difficult to endure. We begin to see our parents get older and more fragile; and it becomes hard to grasp the idea that one day they might no longer be here to give us their love and support. I, for one, had never thought of the day that they may no longer exist on this physical plane; because in my mind I still think they are strong and healthy. But life has a way of showing you how things could change in a split second, when you least expect it.

Today’s events have made me realize how much my family means to me so I would like to share a moment in time when I realized that there is nothing more powerful than the bond family can give…

A simple fall on an icy road can make any strong man feel vulnerable, especially when he sees that a fractured leg will impede him from going about his daily business as easily as he used to; and yet he maintains a strong façade in order not to show his daughters how hurt he really is inside. As I look into his eyes I see sadness and a sense of worry to hear that his leg needs to be operated on. As I look around the room I see my sisters, mom and I just being next to my dad, giving each other emotional support, expressing pure love without saying it and it makes my heart warm to know that no matter how worried we all are, the strength of our love will help him feel strong during this time when he feels the most vulnerable.

I know everything will be ok and with time he will heal, but while I’m going through this experience I can’t help but realize that we must cherish every waking moment with love, gratitude and peace; Enjoying those precious moments with our family, making sure to always show our affection and our appreciation for the strong love bond and foundation that they have given us. Learning to forgive anything that may have caused us to drift away from them and making an effort to re-connect with that life-long support called family.

Family is the most precious thing we can have, for they are always there by our side during tough times and happy experiences. The love and support of our family has no comparison and should be cherished with the utmost respect and care.

I urge all of you to take a moment and make a conscious effort to be expressive of your love for your family. Don’t let a day go by without letting them know how wonderful it is to have them in your life. And if you haven’t talked to your family in awhile, leave your pride aside and show them how much you have missed them and re-connect with them. Life is too short so don’t wait until is too late to let those important people in your life know how much they really mean to you.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Honoring the Sacred Being Within everyone

Karla Solano

Namaste is an ancient Sanskrit word used to salute one another in Buddhist and Hindu religions. This salutation is very meaningful in the sense that it allows us to connect with other human beings in a much deeper level….at the soul level; where the heart truly opens up and surrenders completely, leaving the ego aside to allow the blossoming union between two individuals.

Namaste means “'I honor that place in you where the whole Universe resides.
And when I am in that place in me and you are in that place in you, there is only one of us.'

Namaste recognizes the equality of everyone, and pays honor and respect to the sacredness of all things. Connecting with the sacred being within each person we encounter is a very powerful way to bond with others because it allows us to put focus on the beauty and greatness that we all are capable of being, instead of the flaws created by the illusion of our egos.

When we connect with others from our heart in an energetically deeper level, we can create a very peaceful and loving environment for ourselves. I can speak from personal experience and I can honestly say that I’ve had to deal with very difficult people throughout my life as we all have, but until I began to fully comprehend and practice this concept of honoring the sacred being within each person, my relationships with those who I had a tough time dealing with have effortlessly become easy, joyful and friendly.

Opening our hearts to others seems to be a very difficult task nowadays but it is the only way to really see each other for who we really are, without judgment, without prejudice, without fear and limitations. We are all sacred beings and we have come to this earth to become one with all that exists and to grow and evolve as spiritual beings.

We are all here learning how to re-connect with the Infinite source that created us so don’t waste anymore time and begin walking the path of compassion, love & surrender to the sacredness within yourself and human kind.

In love and gratitude,

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Avatars throughout history

January 9, 2010
By Felicity Elliot

Avatars have brought successive revelations to humanity throughout history. Each Avatar brings some teaching which, correctly apprehended and gradually applied by humanity, expands our understanding and is the next step forward in our development.

The successive revelation to humanity of new aspects of reality has taken place throughout history and continues to do so, as the emergence of the Christ consciousness, demonstrates. In the West our knowledge is more or less confined to Christianity, but buried in most ancient myths and legends, and then later in Holy Scriptures, there are preserved records of the lives, presence and teachings of other, earlier teachers or Avatars.


One of the first such teachers appeared so far back in time that it is impossible to say when he lived, but ancient legend carries the memory of His achievements: Hercules, a hero-teacher, portrayed "through the form of a pictorial and world drama (symbolic in nature) the concept of great objective, only to be reached as the result of struggle and difficulty." (Alice Bailey, the Reappearance of the Christ)

He presented to humanity the concept of tests and trials on the path back to the Father, the journey of evolution itself, epitomized and preserved in the Twelve Labors of Hercules. These are the tests all are subjected to prior to each initiation.


Vyasa was a great Avatar who brought to humanity the message that death is not the end. The impact of such an apparently simple concept was enormous, since it meant that the possibility now existed for identification with a higher immortal self rather than with the physical-plane life only.

The Buddha

There were many other lesser teachers between the time of Vyasa and the Buddha, but the Buddha was a major teacher who came to the East bringing enlightenment, the answers to the many questions which plague and puzzle humanity about its own existence. He came "to lay the foundation for a more enlightened approach to life, giving the teaching which would open the door to the work of the Christ who would, He knew, follow in His steps." (Alice Bailey, the Reappearance of the Christ)

By giving out the Four Noble Truths, He answered man's question: why? He taught that man's suffering was of his own making, and that the focusing of desire on the material and the ephemeral caused all despair, hatred and competition, and was why "man found himself living in the realm of death -- the realm of physical living . . . " His life, example and teachings prepared the way for the Christ. Coming approximately 500 years before the Christ, the Buddha was a manifestation of the Wisdom aspect of God, just as the Christ is the embodiment of the Love aspect. These two great Avatars continue to work together, the Buddha aiding and supporting Maitreya, the Christ, in His present mission to the world.

Buddhism, along with other religions, awaits the coming of another great teacher. He is known as Maitreya Buddha, the Fifth Buddha in the continuing line of divine revelation.

A comparison of all religions shows their common elements. "Eventually a new world religion will be inaugurated which will be a fusion and synthesis of the approaches of East and West. The Christ will bring together not simply Christianity and Buddhism, but the concept of God transcendent, outside His creation, and also the concept of God immanent in all creation." Both approaches will come together in a new religion based on the Mysteries of Initiation and an informed knowledge of the Science of Invocation of Deity.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Channels of light and healing energy

Karla Solano

Everything existing in this universe is made up of energy. The human body for example is full of life energy, which when depleted causes our bodies to malfunction thus creating the appearance of disease.

It is important to recognize how crucial it is to maintain a well balanced physical, emotional and mental state of mind, so that our bodies don’t get run down by our daily stress and emotional battles. I understand how difficult this may get at times when our life seems to be upside down and nothing seems to be working out in our favor. But it is during moments like these when we must take the time to recharge and re-connect with the source of this wonderful life energy and draw from it all the infinite healing properties it can bring.

Recharging is a simple step in our lives but with our daily drama we tend to dismiss our body’s need to “plug- in” to the Life force energy that is available to all of us. One of the ways to connect with this life-energy is through meditation.

Meditation is a gateway that integrates mind, body and soul into one; allowing us to become whole again. If you have never tried meditation before it is ok, there is no science to it. All you need to do is find a quiet place and take time to breathe in a conscious way, taking long breadths as you have your eyes closed.

Another way is to listen to soothing music that takes you to a happier place in your mind and connecting with that joyful child within. Sitting at a park and closing your eyes as you listen to the life around you can also help in connecting with all that exists.

There are different ways to meditate for each one of us; the key is to find a method that will allow us to re-connect with the peaceful, feel-good vibration within so that we can cope with anything life throws our way without the need to overreact, without the use of anti-depressants and without the tendency to depend on others to make us happy.

Another way to connect with the life force energy within is through the use of Reiki; which is a Japanese stress-reduction technique that can restore the human body by simply applying life force energy along the electro-magnetic field of the body through our hands.

The life force energy uses the physical body of the person giving the Reiki as a channel or conductor by opening up the chakras (also known as energy centers) within the body and by releasing all negative blockages that don’t allow our bodies to open up to receive the flow of this infinite energy. While Reiki is being transmitted from the giver to the receiver, there is an exchange of energy. The Life-force energy fills the body with a supply of positive, healing and restorative energy according to the needs of the person receiving it.

We all have access to this infinite supply of Divine energy but we do not allow this energy to flow freely within our bodies because of the constant state of drama we hold on to in our day to day experiences. That is why it is important to practice meditation, putting time aside everyday for a few minutes to really quiet the mind is primordial in reaching a higher state of awareness and in keeping a balanced state of mind.

Everything you search for already exists within….All you need to do is become one with the true essence of your being.