Monday, December 13, 2010

Rushing through Life

Karla Solano

As I walked to work the other day I couldn’t help but notice how programmed we are to live in a robotic manner. I watched how all of us rushed from the bus terminal to our work destination as if we were being followed by some sort of time warden. Weaving through the streets, dodging people as they get in our way, we lose ourselves in the rush against time to reach as fast as we can to nowhere but to an unhealthy and unhappy way of life.

It dawned upon me that I should try and make an effort to slow down and actually be more conscious of enjoying my walk to work, after all why was I rushing? It’s not like I was running late so why was my pace so quick? I kept trying to come up with the reasons why we all had the need to hurry to our destination and I couldn’t figure out why; but one thing I did notice was that no matter what our individual reasons may be, the one thing we all had in common was the stressed look on our faces, as we were all out of breath with frustrated attitudes as we reached to our final destination.

I realized as I got to work that day that I was like a robot marching to work every morning, putting in my hours of work and then rushing out at the end of the day to catch my bus to go home to live my life in the few hours left of the day. This observation made me feel as though life was slipping away as I swift my way through it. And I couldn’t help but think that there is got to be more to life that just waking up every morning to go through this over and over again as if it were Ground’s hog day every day.

Time seems to be going faster as I get older and I can’t stand the idea of living every day to go to work just so I can live the financially successful life I dreamt of having. There is more to our existence on this planet than this hamster wheel of motion that only gets us older faster without having a true meaning of being. I came to the realization that until we finally decide to get off that wheel, we will never truly begin to live.

We are all here in this moment in time to find out our true purpose and trust me when I tell you that our purpose is more than just having a job to pay for the things we want to have. Life is about true connection with nature and those around us, it is about enjoying the gift of being alive; it is about taking time to reflect on the ways we can be of help to others and leaving a positive mark on this planet.

Life is about laughing and sharing special moments with the people we care about so that we may establish strong bonds that will give us the strength and courage to face any obstacles we may encounter through life. I urge you to take time to stop and smell the roses, learn to slow down and live consciously so that life doesn’t pass you by without having a true purpose for being.

Life was meant to be enjoyed and lived to the fullest, so learn to let go and free yourself from the limitations that stop you from fully blossoming.

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