Karla Solano
Shut the complaining door...The only way to open the flow of attracting anything we want out of life is by appreciating every situation for the lessons they bring to us, everything happens for a reason so pay attention to the hidden lessons.
Complaining doesn't fix the problem if anything it blows things out of proportion making us focus on the problem instead of the solution; complaining makes us more vulnerable, it blinds us and blocks the flow of harmony in our life. So next time you find yourself complaining about anything, shift your focus to the positive outcome that may take place from the situation you are going through and explore the possibilities for growth; by doing this you are breaking a habit that will not only free you from a negative cycle but it will also open the doors to living the life you want.
Remember that you have the power to create your own environment so it is up to you and only you to shift your point of focus from a negative to a positive one.
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