Thursday, October 20, 2011

Reflections On The Mirror

Karla Solano

One of the most amazing things I have come to realize is that no matter how much personal growth we think we have achieved, there is always room for improvement...

We go about our lives day in and day out following our routines, creating a busy agenda and making sure no time is wasted; but it is during this process where we can get lost in the chase of a busy life pushing away our true being and neglecting the connection with those we interact with on a daily basis.

While it is important to maintain a practical, and structured lifestyle, it is even more critical to our well being to take time to slow down and pay attention to our connection with those around us. We get so caught up with the running against time that we tend to forget the positive impact a smile, a tender caress, a loving hug or a kind word can make in someone's life.

A simple way to find out how connected we really are to others is to see their reaction towards us. Since every person who comes into our life serves as a mirror to our way of being, it can be an eye opener to see that maybe we need to look deep within so we can figure out what we need to change in order to have a deeper and more fulfilled connection with others. Nothing is more painful than hurting those we love when we fail to realize how rooted we are in our old ways, that we can't even see how our actions are affecting them.

Life is a magnificent gift that is better enjoyed when in company of those we love, therefore let's not take anyone for granted and take the time to slow down and pay attention to the importance of the human connection. After all, we cannot survive without each other for our inter-connection goes beyond the logical human understanding, and anything we do as an individual affects human kind as a whole.

On a side note, I feel very fortunate to have my daily mirrors, who with their kindness and loving nature are making me take a second look at myself so I can become a better human being.

with love and gratitude,
Posted by Karla Solano at 3:11 PM

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