Sunday, September 20, 2009

Gratitude for Life

Karla Solano

Living life with gratitude can be very humbling and rewarding. Taking the time to actually notice how blessed we are to be alive, to be able to wake up every morning and enjoy a beautiful sunny day, or to be able to connect with people by just giving them a smile and make eye contact or exchange a kind word.

We get so hung up in the midst of the daily stress that we often forget how wonderful our lives really are. Days and nights go by sometimes and we don’t even realize how grey we have become inside, when we have stopped paying attention to the wonderful people and beautiful experiences the universe is constantly bringing to us. We tend to overlook those small intimate moments we have with our loved ones, with children or with our pets; small moments that cannot be measured by its size but by the magnificent power they have to make our worlds brighter with just a hug or a big laugh.

Life is a lot more than our material success and it is imperative for our own well being and personal growth to really focus on the non-material blessings that we encounter every day; because material possessions come and go but the treasure of a great friendship, the hug of a child, the smile of a person in need and the caring touch of our family are priceless and eternal.

I urge you to look within and all around you and really take the time to notice the wonderful gifts you have been blessed with, I assure you that in no time all the non-sense appearance of problems will slowly dissipate and just for one moment in time you will feel the freedom that comes from really feeling the joy of being alive.