Thursday, December 29, 2011

To My Twin Soul

Author Karla Solano

The pieces of the puzzle have finally come to fit, it hasn’t been easy trying to figure out how the pieces of life would come together but just when life seemed dull and without purpose, a man sent from heaven came into my life...

This man called Adam is a dream come true, just like a fairy tale you came to brighten up my life not only as my lover but also as my guide.

As we rejoice in our everyday living, I can’t help to be mesmerized at how my image reflects on yours as a crystal clear mirror throughout our life. I recognize myself in you and you recognize yourself in me, and together we unite as a perfect fit.

You were sent from heaven to re-unite with my soul and become whole again as we once were. Our Souls will guide our way as we discover the bigger purpose we were brought together to manifest, for our hearts are finally open and free to live happy,in love and fulfilled.

Life has a deeper meaning now that you have come to join me and I look forward to co-creating and making our beautiful dream world a reality. My life has forever been transformed since you walked into my path and I am forever grateful for having you in my life. I no longer fear the future for it looks promising and full of light; with you by my side I no longer need to cry, for lonely nights no more await my path.

All content on this site ©2009-2011 Infinite Living Coaching

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Reflections On The Mirror

Karla Solano

One of the most amazing things I have come to realize is that no matter how much personal growth we think we have achieved, there is always room for improvement...

We go about our lives day in and day out following our routines, creating a busy agenda and making sure no time is wasted; but it is during this process where we can get lost in the chase of a busy life pushing away our true being and neglecting the connection with those we interact with on a daily basis.

While it is important to maintain a practical, and structured lifestyle, it is even more critical to our well being to take time to slow down and pay attention to our connection with those around us. We get so caught up with the running against time that we tend to forget the positive impact a smile, a tender caress, a loving hug or a kind word can make in someone's life.

A simple way to find out how connected we really are to others is to see their reaction towards us. Since every person who comes into our life serves as a mirror to our way of being, it can be an eye opener to see that maybe we need to look deep within so we can figure out what we need to change in order to have a deeper and more fulfilled connection with others. Nothing is more painful than hurting those we love when we fail to realize how rooted we are in our old ways, that we can't even see how our actions are affecting them.

Life is a magnificent gift that is better enjoyed when in company of those we love, therefore let's not take anyone for granted and take the time to slow down and pay attention to the importance of the human connection. After all, we cannot survive without each other for our inter-connection goes beyond the logical human understanding, and anything we do as an individual affects human kind as a whole.

On a side note, I feel very fortunate to have my daily mirrors, who with their kindness and loving nature are making me take a second look at myself so I can become a better human being.

with love and gratitude,
Posted by Karla Solano at 3:11 PM

Monday, August 29, 2011

Buried Memories

Karla Solano

Years may come and go leaving behind untold memories buried in the depth of our Soul. These untold memories that we pretend don’t exist, come back to haunt us to set us free...These ghostly memories are nothing but that, a faint reminiscence from a distant past, an unresolved issue that needs to be cleared, forcing us to face it in order for us to be healed.

These buried memories can take a life of their own, causing us to feel vulnerable and insecure; and our human instinct automatically creates a wall to protect us from being hurt once more. But this wall we create although it may protect us at first, it can also push away beautiful experiences that can take our breath away.

No matter how scary these buried memories may seem they can’t harm us unless we give them the power to be... The truth lies in finding the courage within, to face these fears and dissolve them so we can be free… Free to open our hearts once again, to the beauty and loving essence present in each new experience that may come our way!

Embracing past memories no matter how painful they may have been is the only way to move past them, so we can unlock the door that leads us to the joyful life we are meant to live.

All content on this site ©2009-2011 Infinite Living Coaching

Monday, February 21, 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

Benefits of meditation a medical study done by Dr. Britta Holzel

Speaking Our Truth

Karla Solano

One of the things to admire the most about children is the fact that they are not afraid of speaking their minds. They tell it like it is whether we like it or not. This is an amazing trait that as adults we try to suppress for the fear of being imprudent, hurting someone's feelings or simply because we don’t want to seem too straight forward; so we teach children early on to lie or hide how they really feel. We grow up thinking that is not right to let others know our true feelings and we begin the journey of deceit and illusion, creating sometimes a facade to cover up who we are or what’s really on our mind.

As adults we need to learn to peel the old layers that blocked us from being able to express ourselves freely as when we were kids, and re-connect with that child within who saw the world from the perspective of honesty and clarity. This world would be a much better place if we all learned to connect with each other from heart to heart, instead of pretending to be something or someone we are not just to fit in.

Speaking our truth is an essential aspect of our life in order to have perfect relationships with everyone we are involved with, whether in the work place or in our personal life. Being honest not only gives you character but it also allows others to see the real you, and respect you for who you are. Learning to put aside the fear of speaking our truth is one of the most challenging things some of us might have to encounter, however it is of utmost importance to let go of that fear so we can begin to lead a life of true connection with others.

We have so much to learn from children, not only do they teach us how to express ourselves with honesty but also how to live free of limitations and judgment. They show us how to experience life in fun & creative ways; they have mastered the real way of living life and as adults we need to allow them to be whom they are and encourage them to keep that connection with their truth so that they don’t follow in our footsteps of fear and deception.

The time is now to voice our opinion and show our true colors, we were all given the power and intelligence to speak our minds so why be afraid to say it like it is? Connect with your personal power and unleash the truth within so your heart can be free.

All content on this page ©2009-2011 Infinite Living Coaching

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Winter in our Life

Karla Solano

Winter is a season that allows us to find refuge in order to feel the warmth and comfort we seek. This is a season in which we tend to isolate ourselves to look within and try to find our place in this world.

Just like trees shed all the leaves and become bare, we too go through a process of “shedding our old skin” if you will; we prepare and adjust accordingly in order to transform and evolve. As human beings we tend to hibernate in order to re-charge from our daily fast paced environment; finding comfort and joy in the small things in life.

Winter can be a wonderful time to focus our attention in the things we have been putting off; working from the inside out so that when the season changes we are ready to blossom just like the flowers in the spring. Changing with the seasons is a very cleansing process that can bring personal and spiritual expansion. Every waking moment brings a new leaf of growth; therefore, it is important to appreciate every moment and every season in order to see the splendor and divine connection surrounding our existence.

Winter can be full of storms but instead of worrying and seeing that as a nuisance try to connect with the energy of that storm. See it as a way of purifying and bringing forth change. Metaphorically speaking, every storm as chaotic as it maybe, always brings along peace, sunshine and a new beginning after is gone.

Sunshine and rainbows are always associated with the peace brought forth after a heavy storm. Life works the same way; just as the winter comes with hibernation, cold months, and storms, so does it bring beauty, warmth, and a period of self reflection and transformation so that we can be ready for the blossoming of our own spring.

All content on this page ©2010-2011 Infinite Living Coaching

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Karla Solano

Compassion is the ability to submerge oneself in the infinite energy of Love. By opening up our heart to this abundant loving energy, we become more accepting and forgiving of the people we interact with.

Becoming a compassionate being is an important step in understanding the deep connection we have with all that exists; when we give in to compassion, we open the doorway that leads to the path of selflessness and freedom from judgment. This doorway can only be accessed once we have learned to love unconditionally and without a controlling agenda.

The ability to truly express kindness and respect for everyone around us is a gift that unfortunately we choose to share with only a few. Our world is in desperate need of peace and the only way to achieve it is by fully integrating with one another and connecting in a higher plane of existence, a plane where we put our ego aside and learn to communicate from heart to heart.

We are all interconnected in unimaginable ways; therefore it is of extreme importance to observe our behavior in order not to keep broadening the selfish gap amongst human race.

Compassion is like a seed that needs nurturing in order to grow and flourish, but first we must plant this loving seed within us before we try to find it in everyone else. I look forward to the day when each one of us will wake up and set each other free through the power of love, harmony and divine connection, the day in which our souls will blossom into one.

All content on this site copyright ©2009-2011 Infinite Living Coaching

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Confront your fears!!

Karla Solano

Confront your fears... There is nothing more debilitating than allowing our fears to take over our life. As scary as life may seem sometimes, it is imperative to realize that fear is just energy and as such it can be transmuted into an empowering fuel. Since our fears are the main reason why we don't explore life to its fullest potential, it can be of extreme importance to observe our fears as they arise. By doing so, we can tune in the right direction as to figuring out their cause and in return find a way to eradicate them from our existence.

Our mind has an infatuation with drama and it loves to create scenarios in our head that bring forth fearful emotions; the key is to take the bull by its horns and shift our perception from fear to empowerment. We are a lot stronger than we give ourselves credit for; therefore we have the power to choose between allowing our fears to paralyze us or living a life full of infinite possibilities.

All content on this site copyright ©2009-2011 Infinite Living Coaching

Saturday, January 15, 2011

One of a Kind

Karla Solano

Life experiences can sometimes get us off balance without us even realizing it; causing us to doubt our ability to perform or make the right choices. Consequently, it is important to recognize that no matter how much pressure others put on us, we need to look within and connect with that inner confidence in order to find the power to surpass the apparent obstacles in our life.

A major part of our personal development requires us to observe ourselves and discover that we are unique individuals and as such we are beautiful in our own way, we have special talents that differ from others so there is no need to compete with the people around us. We each have our own journey to discover with different opportunities specific to where we currently are in our personal development, therefore, there is no need to waste our time comparing and tormenting ourselves with other people’s successes or failures.

The doors of opportunity will open up when we are ready and willing to walk through that threshold of possibilities; when we decide to release the fear of failing or disappointing ourselves and others, and when we stop worrying about being judged.

The truth of the matter is that we are one of a kind, and we all have something special to offer whether at the work place or in our personal relationships; keeping this in mind will not only give us the confidence needed to shine in everything we set our minds to do but it will also encourage us to live a life full of passion, with the assurance that we all have great input to share in the process of co-creating and co-existing with human kind. Connecting with this truth within will enable us to experience a fulfilled life without jealousy or envy.

All content on this site ©2009-2011 Infinite Living Coaching

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Trust your Intuition

Karla Solano

Trust your intuition... Learn to listen and pay attention to that inner voice, if something doesn't feel right trust that instinct to make the right decisions in your life. Only you know what is best for you and as nice as it is to have the support of family and friends to give us advice, it is important to keep in mind that we are the only ones who ultimately will have to deal with the consequences of the decisions we make. So learn to quiet your mind and listen and trust your inner feelings because they will never steer you in the wrong direction. In fact, this inner voice will always make sure your life takes the best direction possible for your personal growth.

All content on this page ©2010-2011 Infinite Living Coaching

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Shutting the Complaining Door

Karla Solano

Shut the complaining door...The only way to open the flow of attracting anything we want out of life is by appreciating every situation for the lessons they bring to us, everything happens for a reason so pay attention to the hidden lessons.

Complaining doesn't fix the problem if anything it blows things out of proportion making us focus on the problem instead of the solution; complaining makes us more vulnerable, it blinds us and blocks the flow of harmony in our life. So next time you find yourself complaining about anything, shift your focus to the positive outcome that may take place from the situation you are going through and explore the possibilities for growth; by doing this you are breaking a habit that will not only free you from a negative cycle but it will also open the doors to living the life you want.

Remember that you have the power to create your own environment so it is up to you and only you to shift your point of focus from a negative to a positive one.

All content on this site ©2010-2011 Infinite Living Coaching

Saturday, January 1, 2011

A Brand New Canvas

Karla Solano

Today marks the first day of a new year, a new month and it brings with it a new energy to be explored. This brand new canvas is an opportunity to start over, a chance to change the things that did not work last year. Perhaps this is the reason why we all tend to have New Year’s resolutions at the end of each calendar year, because we all feel this tremendous urge to become something more than what we were 365 days ago.

This feeling of wanting to change things is a wonderful feeling because it empowers us to start over; as we think about what the last year has brought us, we realize that it brought us some difficult moments as well as some very happy ones. This year end review of all our past experiences helps us realize that there were many lessons that we learned, giving us the fuel to want to change the things that did not work well for us, thus wanting to remove from our experience anything that no longer serves a purpose in our life.

Resolutions are a great tool to organize our thoughts and to focus into specific things we want to achieve, however it is important not to overwhelm ourselves with too many items on that list. The best approach is to narrow it down to the top five things you want to accomplish in order to live a happy, harmonious and fulfilled life and then take action steps to achieve your goals.

This brand new canvas is yours to paint; therefore you can paint it as you go. Keep in mind that it doesn’t need to have a clear blueprint from the beginning, it can change and transform as you experience life. Just like a painter follows his heart as his brush caresses the canvas, so can you tune into your deepest desires and connect with your intuition to guide you as you paint those brush strokes on that painting of your life.

The most important thing is to commit to you, committing to be happy no matter which road you want to follow, the key thing is to do the things and choose the people that will bring you the most joy.

Life is too short to live it in fear or with anger, stress and hate so it is important to know that you have an option to choose how to feel in order to live a life full of love and harmony. Keeping this in mind will aid you in making healthy choices so you can live the life you are meant to have.

Envision this beautiful painting of your life and begin splashing those beautiful colors on that blank canvas; today is the beginning of a new experience so make it as colorful and beautiful as you know how to. You have the power to make that brush stroke as graceful and fluid as a Michael Angelo’s work of art or you can make it a chaotic and undefined as a Pollack’s abstract paint. Just remember that you are the one holding that paint brush so whichever style you choose is up to you, but always remember to choose the one that will make you the most happy.