Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Divine Guidance

Karla Solano

I have come to the realization that we are definitely watched over by an amazing Loving and Wise Energy Force. It has dawned upon me that as each day brings a new quest, a new worry and a new lesson; it also brings with it all the solutions, the answers and the tools to be able to figure out our lives in a very smooth way. Nonetheless, we tend to focus on the troubles and the lack even though the answers to our troubles are always staring us in the face.

Having a deep sense of connection to this Divine source can open up doors that we never thought possible. The key is to have an open heart and be very observant to all the signs that come into our life. Signs and messages are constantly being sent to us in many forms everyday of our existence but it is up to us to recognize those hidden messages that give us the answers to our personal situations.

We get so blinded by our ego and the need to control every situation that we can’t see past our own limitations. Life is more than what we can see and feel with our physical senses; therefore, how can we be so close minded to think that we are on this vast planet alone with no one watching over us, to guide us in the right direction?

Limitation, lack and sickness are creations of the human mind and our ability to see ourselves separate from a Divine Source. Even though we continue to disregard the concept that there is a bigger Divine energy aiding us in our everyday experiences; this Divine force continues on sending us rays of light each day with the hope that one day we will wake up to an expanded state of consciousness, when we can finally connect with this Infinite source of Divine magnitude and power to be able to overcome any appearance of limitation in our life.

Faith is the most important tool we have and in order for the expression of the Divine to manifest in our life we must open our hearts and allow ourselves to receive the flow of this Divine energy; without faith our lives are dull, meaningless, full of despair and limitations.

Why not start today to connect with this Infinite source which can only bring pure bliss, abundance, love, health, beauty and wisdom. Wouldn’t it be amazing to trust completely in the fact that it all takes care of itself in a graceful way and in alignment with what is best for us at any given moment?

So what is stopping you from accepting this reality into your world? Observe yourself and pay attention to any negative patterns and old habits that may be obstructing your connection and the path to the Infinite Source of all perfection and abundance.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Light Essence

Karla Solano

Light is all around me…Filling me with love...
I feel your Presence in my existence, guiding me through each experience I endure... And I can’t help but feel joy as your essence surrounds my world.

I ask questions and you answer faster than a ray of light... Yet I still get amazed by the miracles you bring to me each day... I long for your connection with my higher state of being and I cannot ever imagine going back to the way it was... Before my Soul found your Divine Presence in this physical core.

I thank you for all the blessings and for the unity with my Soul...May the light you shine upon me give me the courage to move on to a higher state of consciousness as I fulfill my Soul’s Divine purpose on this globe.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Power of the Spoken Word

Karla Solano

Words have the ability to transform lives in unimaginable ways and yet we continue to use them without regards as to how powerful they can be. Words expressed in a kind manner can make us smile, change the way we see the world or simply give us hope and courage. In contrast, when words are used in an aggressive way they can shatter us into pieces, leaving us very vulnerable, insecure and broken hearted.

Learning to observe the way we use the power of language can be very beneficial in shifting our lives into a more positive experience. Just taking the time to think before expressing ourselves verbally can make a big difference in the turn out of our daily events.

We can simply start out by using positive words when referring to ourselves; how many times do we go through our day using negative labels and unkind words sharper than a double edge sword? Think about it! There are many times you call yourself stupid when you can’t figure something out or get mad at yourself and curse for not making the right decisions, or when unsatisfied by what the reflection in the mirror shows you, you instantly call yourself fat, ugly and send out unworthy and demeaning words that with their sharp edge just keep cutting deeper and deeper into the thin layer of your emotional well being.

Realizing that we can only do more harm than good when we express angry, demeaning and derogatory words is of utmost importance in aligning ourselves with the rest of humanity. We are all connected and everything we do whether good or bad affects the people around us; just as a pebble thrown in a river creates ripples in the water, so do our words cause an effect of great magnitude and it is up to us to make sure that ripple effect is a positive and meaningful one.

We have a lot of power within us but we don’t realize how one small kind word can make a person blossom into a beautiful rose and by the same token a word expressed with hate can damage a person’s soul. Just by touching someone’s heart in a positive way we can make this world go round in a more peaceful, loving and unifying way.

I urge you to consider yourself and others before using the sacred gift of the spoken word. Use this gift to express beauty, courage, love and forgiveness and keep in mind that everything you say and do has the power to change lives and transform this world into a better place. So don’t waste this amazing power in useless expressions of damaging thoughts.

The power is within all of us and together we can change the way we interact with each other one kind word at a time.