Monday, June 7, 2010

Who am I?

Karla Solano

This question has inspired great philosophers for centuries to go beyond their logical thought process and explore their consciousness to come up with an answer that will justify our existence in this vast universe. I have always been intrigued by this question since I was a child; I remember being fascinated with the knowing that we were beings with the capacity to think, speak and express our emotions in ways that no other living creature in our planet can.

Looking at our body’s composition from a physiological point of view we can see that we are made up of tiny little cells, atoms, molecules, water, hydrogen and electromagnetic waves of energy; not to mention all the wiring made up of our veins transporting blood & oxygen throughout our entire body. Every organ, muscle and bone in our body has a specific purpose for being in order for it to function with perfection; and it is mind boggling and marvelous to exist with the ability to use our rational and have a conscience to discern right from wrong.

We are a master piece created with a purpose for being more than just this perfect & complex physical body. We are not only flesh and bone but also lively beings vibrating energy and light, capable of transmuting energy from negative to positive and vice versa. We are the co-creators in this vast universe with infinite potential to make our existence in this planet a very peaceful and rewarding experience.

We must learn from the perfection of our body and the way it functions, since every part of our body is interconnected with each other they all depend on one another to work in synchronistic order. By understanding this simple principle of inter connection within our body one cannot help but realize how dependent we are from one another as a human race and although we are individual beings made up of light, energy and matter capable to function on our own we cannot survive in this universe if we continue to alienate ourselves from each other.

We are one collective source of perfection and as such we need to work together in becoming an evolved race full of love, peace and elevated intelligence.

So who am I? I am the sun, I am the stars, I am the universe, I am the infinite, I am all that exists and everything contained in the universe is in me & in you because we are all one.