Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Confront your fears!!

Karla Solano

Confront your fears... There is nothing more debilitating than allowing our fears to take over our life. As scary as life may seem sometimes, it is imperative to realize that fear is just energy and as such it can be transmuted into an empowering fuel. Since our fears are the main reason why we don't explore life to its fullest potential, it can be of extreme importance to observe our fears as they arise. By doing so, we can tune in the right direction as to figuring out their cause and in return find a way to eradicate them from our existence.

Our mind has an infatuation with drama and it loves to create scenarios in our head that bring forth fearful emotions; the key is to take the bull by its horns and shift our perception from fear to empowerment. We are a lot stronger than we give ourselves credit for; therefore we have the power to choose between allowing our fears to paralyze us or living a life full of infinite possibilities.

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