Friday, February 11, 2011

Speaking Our Truth

Karla Solano

One of the things to admire the most about children is the fact that they are not afraid of speaking their minds. They tell it like it is whether we like it or not. This is an amazing trait that as adults we try to suppress for the fear of being imprudent, hurting someone's feelings or simply because we don’t want to seem too straight forward; so we teach children early on to lie or hide how they really feel. We grow up thinking that is not right to let others know our true feelings and we begin the journey of deceit and illusion, creating sometimes a facade to cover up who we are or what’s really on our mind.

As adults we need to learn to peel the old layers that blocked us from being able to express ourselves freely as when we were kids, and re-connect with that child within who saw the world from the perspective of honesty and clarity. This world would be a much better place if we all learned to connect with each other from heart to heart, instead of pretending to be something or someone we are not just to fit in.

Speaking our truth is an essential aspect of our life in order to have perfect relationships with everyone we are involved with, whether in the work place or in our personal life. Being honest not only gives you character but it also allows others to see the real you, and respect you for who you are. Learning to put aside the fear of speaking our truth is one of the most challenging things some of us might have to encounter, however it is of utmost importance to let go of that fear so we can begin to lead a life of true connection with others.

We have so much to learn from children, not only do they teach us how to express ourselves with honesty but also how to live free of limitations and judgment. They show us how to experience life in fun & creative ways; they have mastered the real way of living life and as adults we need to allow them to be whom they are and encourage them to keep that connection with their truth so that they don’t follow in our footsteps of fear and deception.

The time is now to voice our opinion and show our true colors, we were all given the power and intelligence to speak our minds so why be afraid to say it like it is? Connect with your personal power and unleash the truth within so your heart can be free.

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