Saturday, July 25, 2009

The gift of Womanhood

Karla Solano

Looking at my life I cannot imagine experiencing life in any other way but as a woman. And although sometimes the road can be more challenging because women are still viewed as the “weaker” sex, even in today’s society, I refuse to accept any less respect than men do.

We live in a Patriarchal society where men are viewed as the leaders because of the way they seem to have everything under control from a logical point of view. However, this attitude is fueled by insecurity and fear towards a much more powerful sex – womanhood.--

For centuries, women have been cast out of society if they expressed too much knowledge, power or if they were too connected with their intuitive nature. Why do you think that is? Because the only way to maintain the Patriarchal leadership is by suppressing and keeping under control the more sacred sex, therefore demeaning our existence on this planet. We live in the 21st century and although things have come a long way from the way they were 100 yrs ago, we still are oppressed in many ways in all different cultures. But all of this can change if we unite to make this world a better place to be.

Being a woman is the most amazing experience in the world because we are not afraid to give ourselves completely to any cause, we love unconditionally without regrets and without fear of expressing how we feel, our care taking and nurturing ability makes us loved by our children and the people in our lives. There is no comparison to how the love of a mother is far more powerful and healing than that of a father; we can move mountains because we follow our heart and not our logical minds. Living from the heart gives us the strength to overcome any obstacles that come our way and our subtle and soft caress can transform the lives of anyone we come into contact with. We are the bearers of life, and without our existence life on this planet would not be conceived.

We are far more in tune with who we really are because we pay attention to our intuition, which guides us in making the choices in our daily lives. Our power is not a power known in this physical reality; it comes from a Divine expression of life force and unparalleled love, we as women are the representation of the Divine cosmic Mother here on earth and as such we hold the key to transforming this world into a paradise.

Women represent the sacred feminine power on this planet which is the key to spiritual awakening for our world. We have an important mission which is to spread unconditional, selfless love to human kind; and it is our responsibility to maintain the torch of peace and freedom of expression alive so we can carry out the Divine message through our hearts and touch the lives of millions with our strength, tenderness, compassion and forgiveness.

The question becomes are you ready to walk into the life you were born to live? Expressing your true powerful nature to create a world where there is no you and me just “WE”, co-creating with our Divinity to live in unison with men without division of sexes just living in complete wholeness as ONE? This is a very crucial mission to the existence of our planet. Without this unification of the feminine and the masculine essences our planet will be destroyed and with it our entire race.

I send this message out to all the women who with their innate power to change our existence on this planet are willing to unite with me in this mission of love, forgiveness, freedom of oppression and compassion to touch the lives of others one person at a time until all souls are elevated to a higher state of expanded consciousness, until our entire human race communes as ONE.

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