Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Making our dreams a reality

Karla Solano

There comes a point in our lives when the day to day routine gets under our skin and we start to feel like it’s time for a change. Whether it has to do with our personal life or in our career; the energy becomes stagnant and we find no satisfaction in anything we do.

During moments like these, we start to ponder on the idea of freeing ourselves from whatever is making us feel out of place and keeping us from reaching our dreams.
I have found that something vey interesting takes place when the heart starts to consider the idea of independence, no matter if it has to do with freeing oneself from a relationship, a job, or a financial burden; the mind tends to visualize all the possible scenarios as to how we can make our dreams a reality and also it can very easily come up with many reasons as to why we shouldn’t go after our dreams.

This process of visualization is a very important one, because not only does it allow us to plan how we would like the situations to be, but it also gives us a way to figure out the pros and cons of our new idea. During this process, it is important to unite our heart’s desire with our analytical mind since our heart will always push us to follow our instincts and go after what could bring us happiness; while the mind will always try to tie us down, instigating fear and causing us to doubt whether or not our idea is worth our while.

There will always be a tug of war between the analytical mind and the passion from our heart. As a result, causing confusion and making it very hard for us to find the courage to take the risks we need in order to follow through with our dreams. Allowing our mind to control our heart’s desire to go after our dreams creates a feeling of worry, uncertainty and instability. Thus, making us get in our own way and blocking any possibility to be happy and free.

Realizing that we are the only ones that can limit our horizons is one way to approach the fears that arise within our minds. We could be our biggest fans or our worst enemies; therefore, it is necessary to allow the mind to let out all its worries but at the same time it is crucial to take the time to feel what is right for us to do.

Life is a challenging journey but it doesn’t mean that we need to be tied to a situation, a job or a person that could be stopping us from becoming a fulfilled being. Instead, take time to see beyond the physical experiences at hand, trust your heart’s desire to give you the freedom and happiness you deserve and allow your dreams to become a reality in your life. Take the risk and go after the life you always envisioned, because no one else can live your life, except for yourself.

Life is made up of dreams, without them we could become dull and empty. So don’t rob yourself from the opportunity to have a wonderful life.

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