Friday, May 8, 2009

Releasing our emotions

Karla Solano

Living in a demanding environment such as the one we live today, can influence our daily behavior. Nothing holds more true to the fact that we are beings prone to react in an emotional way to every experience we have. Therefore, situations sometimes get out of hand because of the way we respond.

This way of reacting has to do with all the emotional “baggage” we have accumulated inside of us throughout most of our lives. This “baggage “as I call it, becomes a nuisance because most of the time we are not aware of all the pain and resentment we have locked up inside of us. We tend to block our pain and hide it somewhere in our hearts so that it can’t hurt us anymore; Thus, giving us the false belief of moving on.

The reality is, that keeping all of these painful memories inside can cause more harm than good; such resentments can be very detrimental, causing disease in our bodies, mental and physiological unbalance and will most definitely affect the way we interact with others.
One of the best ways to deal with our pain is to allow ourselves to let it out. Simply put, give yourself the time to heal your wounds, reserve a time when you can be alone and fully submerge in your emotions.

Cry if you feel the need to do so, or write about how you feel, keeping a journal is a great way to let out the emotions held inside without feeling judged. It is important to be compassionate with our selves when taking time to heal. Our body has a natural rhythm of healing and it cannot be accelerated by our stubborn way of suppressing how we feel inside. Being loving and caring with ourselves is the best way to connect with our true nature and recognize the healing potential we posses within.

Free yourself from the emotional residue you have been holding onto, and learn to embrace life with a warm and healing attitude. Because it is not until we heal ourselves that we are able to see change in the world around us.

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